Exam and coursework adjustments

The University has a legal obligation under the Equality Act 2010 to remove barriers that students with disabilities may encounter in higher education. Once a student declares a disability on their University application or contacts our service directly, they will be offered an appointment with a Disability Advisor. The advisor will then tailor support and reasonable adjustments to suit each student's needs. We have well-established procedures for making alternative examination, assessment, and coursework arrangements if needed. Depending on your specific requirements, a range of options may be considered, including:

•    extra time for examinations and class test submissions
•    disregard of poor spelling, writing and grammar
•    permission to record lectures
•    support from a scribe or reader
•    examination questions in alternative formats such as on coloured paper
•    separate accommodation
•    transcription

If you require such adjustments you will be asked to provide a medical certificate or other relevant document confirming your disability, and to meet with a Disability Advisor. We have created a Glossary Guide to Reasonable Adjustments, which provides further information on some of the adjustments that are commonly put in place. Adjustments can be reviewed and altered at any time throughout the academic year. They will remain in place for the full length of your studies, unless you agree changes with your Disability Advisor. If you are a current student and would like to review your adjustments, then please contact the Disability Service.

Academic Schools and the examinations office require notification from the disability advisor of your alternative examination arrangements well in advance. New exam adjustments must be in place by the end of Teaching Week 8 in each semester - please contact the Disability Service well in advance of this deadline to discuss any new adjustments that you may need.

You are also advised to make yourself known to the invigilator prior to the start of an examination so that the appropriate assistance may be given.

Special consideration for marking

The University operates an anonymous marking scheme for all students. If you require special consideration of your work due to your disability you will receive stickers from the exam venue which should be placed on the front of your examination script. This will alert examiners to disregard poor writing, spelling and grammar in the marking process.


We have provided FAQs and advice for exam adjustments.

Please also see some tips on preparing for exams.

How to access exam adjustments

New students

If you have a disability, medical or mental health condition, specific learning difficulty (such as dyslexia), or a sensory impairment and you need to discuss or arrange exam adjustments, you must meet with a Disability Advisor to have this support put in place; it does not happen automatically because you have disclosed one of the conditions listed above. Disability Advisors will offer advice, find out what support has been helpful in the past and assess your needs. You can make an appointment by contacting disability@hw.ac.uk.

Continuing students

If you are entitled to exam adjustments due to a disability, medical or mental health condition, specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia, or a sensory issue, please check that your exam adjustments are in place by viewing them on Student Self Service.

If you feel that you need exam adjustments but:

  • you have not yet visited the Disability Service to have them put in place
  • they are not visible on Student Self Service

Contact disability@hw.ac.uk immediately to arrange an appointment with a Disability Advisor.

If your circumstances have changed and you would like to review your exam adjustments, or you no longer make use of an adjustment, please let us know via disability@hw.ac.uk.

If you would like to discuss alternatives to your exam adjustments, such as use of a PC instead of a scribe, contact disability@hw.ac.uk to arrange an appointment with a Disability Advisor.

Online learning

If you are entitled to exam adjustments due to a disability, medical or mental health condition, specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia, or a sensory issue, please contact disability@hw.ac.uk to arrange an appointment with a Disability Advisor.

Go Global students

If you are transferring campus through Go Global, your exam adjustments will be sent to the campus in advance however, please still make an appointment with the Advisor at the campus to discuss your exam adjustments and any other support that you need.

Exchange students

If you are a Heriot-Watt student going out on exchange, your exam and support arrangements will have been sent to your host university in advance however, please still make an appointment with the Advisor at the campus to discuss your exam adjustments and any other support that you need. If you are an exchange student coming to Heriot-Watt and you are entitled to exam adjustments due to a disability, medical or mental health condition, specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia, or a sensory issue please contact disability@hw.ac.uk to arrange an appointment with a Disability Advisor.

Key information

Disability Service

+44 (0) 131 451 3386