Watt's On: Wellbeing

edinburgh castle

Our wellbeing events give you the opportunity to take a small break from busy university life to focus on your own physical and mental wellbeing. It is also a great way to meet other students and your support staff. 

There is no need to register in advance, unless specified. If you have any questions about the activity or any accessibility requirements you would like to tell us about in advance, please contact studentsuccess@hw.ac.uk

For more information about the events taking place at across the University, please refer to our All Student Events Calendar.

Watt's On: Wellbeing

September Semester

Celebrating World Gratitude Day: Friday 20th September, 11.30am - 12.30pm @ Hugh Nisbet Corridor

Come along and celebrate World Gratitude Day with your fellow students. You will be invited to fill out a gratitude keepsake and take it away with you as a reminder to look after your wellbeing. This event will also be an opportunity to speak with one of the Student Success Advisors about your University journey so far!

Bob Ross and Friends Craft Day: Friday 11th October, 3pm - 4pm @ Wellbeing Space behind the GRID 

We're celebrating both Mental Health Awareness Week and International Arts and Crafts Week by hosting the ultimate art day! Our craft day will include a Bob Ross paint-along, crochet, origami, and more! For those that aren’t feeling so artsy, we’ll have coffee and cakes available, as well as the opportunity to catch-up with your Student Success Advisors. Please note this event will be taking place in the wellbeing space behind the GRID building. 

Wellbeing Walk: Friday 8th November, 12-1.30pm Starting @ Student Wellbeing Centre

Student Wellbeing is pleased to offer a series of outdoor wellbeing events for students, with an opportunity to experience your surroundings mindfully. We know being outdoors and gentle exercise can help us find a sense of calm and influence positive wellbeing.

All events will take place outdoors on campus, except in severe weather, when there will be an indoor alternative.

Please come prepared with suitable clothing/footwear. Selfies have become ubiquitous for documenting our lives. This session will be an opportunity to think differently about representations of the self, with the outdoors for inspiration.

Celebrating World Kindness Day: Friday 15th November, 11.30am-12.20pm @ Hugh Nisbet Corridor 

Celebrate World Kindness Day by taking the opportunity to be kind to yourself. We're inviting you to fill out one of our ‘be kind to yourself’ wellbeing cards to take with you as a valuable reminder when exam stress may be taking over. You can also use this opportunity to speak to one of the Student Success Advisors if you have any exam queries that need answered. 

January Semester

January 2025

  • Team and Cake (Meet the Team) | 16 January | 14:30-15:30 @ The Chaplaincy 
  • Widening Participation Welcome Event | 17 January | 11:30-12:30 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • Coffee and a Chat (PGR/PGT Students) | 21 January | 14:00 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • PGR Walk & Share | 23 January | 12-13:30 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • Wellbeing Walk | 31 January | 10-11:30 @ Student Wellbeing Centre

February 2025

  • Time to Talk | 6 February | 11-12:30 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • Valentine Photography Walk | 12 February | 14-15:30 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • Valentines Card Making & Crafts | 14 February | 14-15:00 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • PGR Walk & Share | 19 February | 12-13:30 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • Coffee and a Chat (PGR/PGT Students) | 27 February | 14:00 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • Wellbeing Walk | 28 February | 14-15:30 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • PGR Wellbeing Workshop | 28 February | 12:30-14:00 | Online 

March 2025

  • University Mental Health Day | 13 March | 12:30-14:00 @ Bridge Link 
  • Mindfulness Walk | 13 March | 11-12:30 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • PGR Walk & Share | 18 March | 14:00 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • Neurodiversity Week - Celebration Stall | 20 March | 11-13:00 @ Bridge Link 
  • Neurodiversity Week - Coffee and a Chat | 20 March | 14-15:00 @ Student Wellbeing Centre 
  • Coffee and a Chat (PGR/PGT Students) | 25 March | 14:00 @ Student Wellbeing Centre 

April 2025 

  • Mindfulness | 9 April | 14-15:00 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • Letter to Future Self | 11 April | 11:12:00 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • PGR Walk & Share | 14 April | 12-13:30 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • Coffee and a Chat (PGR/PGT Students) | 15 April | 14:00 @ Student Wellbeing Centre
  • Mindfulness | 23 April | 16-17:00 @ Online
  • PGR Wellbeing Workshop | 28 April | 9:30-12:30 @ Online 

May 2025 

  • Mental Health Awareness Week | 13 May | 12:30-14:00 @ Bridge Link 
  • PGR Walk & Share | 21 May | 12-13:30 @ Student Wellbeing Centre

June 2025 

  • PGR Walk and Share | 18 June | 12-13:30 @ Student Wellbeing Centre 



The Student Wellbeing Services run daily drop-ins during the September and January semesters. Students can have a 15 minute supportive conversation and ask any questions they may have. All of them take place in the Student Wellbeing Centre. There is no need to sign up in advance, although we recommend arriving towards the start of the hour as we have limited capacity and operate on a first come, first served basis. 

Disability: 11am-12pm, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the September and January semesters.

Student Success Advisors: 12-1pm, Monday-Friday during the September and January semesters.

Counselling: 2-3pm, Monday-Friday during the September and January semesters.

Exam stress and wellbeing advice with the Student Success Advisors: 3-4pm, Monday to Friday during Weeks 10-14. 

  • All aspects of coping with the stresses and challenges of preparing for assessments 
  • Hints and tips for successful study 
  • Advice on managing time and commitments 
  • Signposting useful resources and support 
  • Advice on all elements of student life. 

Key information

Student Wellbeing Team