Ultrafast nonlinear optics in gas-filled fibres

This project makes use of cutting-edge experimental laser science to build a high-energy vacuum ultraviolet (100 to 200 nm) to mid-infrared light source – with the eventual aim of creating a table-top synchrotron replacement for advanced ultrafast spectroscopy. This project is based on the rich nonlinear dynamics of intense ultrafast light pulse propagation in hollow-core fibres filled with gases. Primarily you will be working in a new precision laser laboratory, with high energy few-cycle laser pulses and vacuum systems. But the ideal candidate would also join our numerical modelling efforts to fully investigate the nonlinear dynamics involved.   You will join the small but growing team working on HISOL (see https://lupo-lab.com/projects/ ) which is a multimillion EURO funded European Research Council project. For further information on our expectations and the opportunities for you, see: https://lupo-lab.com/joinus/  The laboratory of ultrafast physics and optics (LUPO) was established in the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences (IPAQS) at Heriot-Watt University in 2016, to investigate ultrafast optical electronics with laser pulses through experiment and numerical modelling.  The Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences (IPAQS) carries out broad range of world-leading research in photonic physics, engineering photonics and quantum sciences. IPAQS builds on Heriot-Watt’s 40+ years of history in world-leading research in photonics and spans a broad range of research – from lasers and optical sensing approaches to future manufacturing methods to the fundamentals of quantum information. As our title suggests, there will be a special focus on quantum sciences and its close relationship with photonics-based technology.  Requirements 

All applicants must have or expect to have a 1st class MPhys, MSci, MEng, MChem or equivalent degree. Selection will be based on academic excellence and research potential, and all short-listed applicants will be interviewed (in person, by phone or by Skype).  Apply 

Send an email to Dr. John Travers: j.travers@hw.ac.uk  Visit https://lupo-lab.com/joinus/ for additional details.