IPaQS PhD Studentships

Opportunities leading to a PhD degree are available within the various research groups.  The Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences has over 80 postgraduate PhD students. To enter our PhD programme you require an upper-second or first class MPhys/MSci/MEng degree, or a good performance at Masters level, in Physics, Engineering or a suitable related subject. Only under exceptional circumstances will BSc-only graduates be considered for the PhD programme.

The typical period of study for a PhD is 3½-years full-time or 4-6-years part-time. Part-time students can be based in another organisation, provided that appropriate research and supervision arrangements can be made. Postgraduate work experience will also be taken into account when assessing applications.

We have a number of studentships available each year funded by EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) for home students. Postgraduate students are encouraged to contribute to the teaching activities of the School, both for the experience and as a method of earning some additional income.

Overseas applicants should check the University’s entry standards for English language skills.

Up to three University Scholarships may be available for outstanding overseas students each year. Entry qualifications for non-UK students are determined on an individual basis.

Current PhD and EngD opportunities

General Opportunities

Most of the projects in the list above are identified as potentially having EPSRC DTA studentship support, which is restricted to UK resident students only. Typically we award around 10 such studentships annually. Although the usual start date is in October, we can take students at other times of year.

The projects could equally run with students supported by other means, which in many cases have no nationality restrictions. However, the number of studentships in this case is very limited and the competition is high. The studentships available include:

  • Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) Prize Studentships:  These are prestigious and competitive awards that are intended to attract outstanding students from around the world. Please visit the SUPA website for further information. SUPA opens a single door into all Physics PhDs in Scotland. When you apply for a SUPA PhD Studentship, you will also be considered for all other funded places available in Physics departments in Scotland. To apply please visit the SUPA application webpage.
  • Scottish Doctoral Training Centre in Condensed Matter: Fully funded PhD studentships are available in Condensed Matter research. For further information please visit the Condensed Matter DTC website.
  • Centre for Doctoral Training in Applied Photonics: Successful candidates will have their fees paid and receive an annual stipend. For company employees who study the EngD, the funding arrangement is different, as the company continues to pay the salary of the employee and the company contributes financially to the input given by the Centre and Academic Supervisor. For more information please visit the Centre for Doctoral Training in Applied Photonics website.
  • EPS Scholarships: These are University awards providing full university postgraduate fees and a contribution to maintenance costs. James Watt, Start-up and DTP scholarships provide a minimum of £17.668 per year. For further information please see: list of EPS scholarship projects.
  • Partial Scholarships The scholarships provide full fees and a contribution towards maintenance for up to three years. Please also visit our scholarships pages.
  • Fees Only Scholarships: These scholarships provide full fees for up to three years. Further information can also be found on our scholarship pages.

Note that each studentship award scheme may have different closing dates and you should check carefully the websites before you submit an application. In addition, there may be EPSRC project studentships available in the Department, which can support UK, EU or possibly Overseas students. Some of the projects may be advertised on the Find a PhD website.

Contact: Dr Jonathan Leach, Director of Postgraduate Studies, tel +44 (0) 131 451 4174, e-mail J.Leach@hw.ac.uk 

Key information

Jonathan Leach

EPS Postgraduate Research Office