
As a student of the University you are required at all times to behave in accordance with the University's Ordinances, Regulations, policies, procedures and rules.

The University has procedures in place for dealing with unacceptable behaviour. The procedures provide a rigorous, fair, transparent and consistent process for investigation and consideration of cases of alleged misconduct and for imposing penalties where appropriate.

Guidelines on student discipline procedures

Details of the University's procedures for regulating student discipline and a list of penalties are contained in Regulation A13: Student Discipline and the following documents:

Student Academic Misconduct

These have been approved by the Senate (in June 2024) to supersede the following:

Student Non-Academic Misconduct

For Non-Academic Misconduct matters, the following are still in effect:

Criminal Offences

The University has a duty of care to its staff and students and needs to be kept informed of any alleged criminal activity involving its students.

Key information

Student discipline contact email address