
Intermediate awards

When you complete your programme, you will receive a University certificate at graduation.

It is also possible to apply for a University certificate when you have obtained sufficient credits as you progress through your programme.

Certificates given before your final award are known as intermediate awards. Certificates for intermediate awards are not issued automatically when you have obtained sufficient credits. If you would like to receive a certificate, you need to apply and pay a fee of £50 plus delivery.

The intermediate awards available for you to receive depend on the level of programme you are studying:


Bachelors (Ordinary) Degree, e.g. BA, BBA, BSc, Beng

  • Certificate of Higher Education (Minimum 120 Credits)
  • Diploma of Higher Education (Minimum 240 Credits)

Honours Degree, e.g. BSc (Hons), BEng (Hons), MA (Hons)

  • Certificate of Higher Education (Minimum 120 Credits)
  • Diploma of Higher Education (Minimum 240 Credits)
  • Bachelors/Ordinary award (Minimum 360 Credits)

Undergraduate Masters Degree, e.g. MEng, MPhys, Mchem

  • Certificate of Higher Education (Minimum 120 Credits)
  • Diploma of Higher Education (Minimum 240 Credits)
  • Bachelors/Ordinary award (Minimum 360 Credits)

If you have obtained the required credits and are an enrolled student of Heriot-Watt University in the current Academic Year,and would like to receive an intermediate award, please complete the application form via the link below. Subject to approval of the Senate of the University, your certificate will be awarded on the last date of the month your application was submitted.


Postgraduate Taught Degree, e.g. MSc, PGDip, PGCert

  • Postgraduate Certificate in… (Minimum 60 credits, with course passes and an average award performance at the level specified in the Programme Handbook) (not available on all PG programmes, please check your handbook)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in… (Minimum 120 credits, with modules passes and an average award performance at the level specified in the Programme Handbook)

If you have obtained the required credits, and are an enrolled student of Heriot-Watt University in the current Academic Year, and would like to receive an intermediate award, please complete the application form via the link below. Subject to approval of the Senate of the University, your certificate will be awarded on the last date of the month your application was submitted.

Exit awards

If you leave the University part way through your programme, you may still have met the required criteria for receiving a Certificate of Higher Education, a Diploma of Higher Education or an Ordinary/Bachelors Degree as an exit award. The Student Records and Awards Team will notify you of your eligibility for an award, inviting you to complete the application form and pay the appropriate fees, to receive your award certificate.

Note: if you have outstanding debts to the University (e.g. tuition fees, reassessment fees, outstanding library fine), your certificate for your exit award will not be issued until all debts are cleared.

Key information

Student Records & Awards

+44 (0)131 451 8899