Our facilities
As well as using general classrooms and lecture theatres within the Earl Mountbatten and Colin Maclaurin buildings, MACS Computer Science students use the following specialist teaching labs:
MACS Windows labs - EM G.46, EM G.47 and EM 2.45 (80 PCs)
MACS Linux Lab - EM 2.50 (86 PCs)
All MACS students may also use the University Desktop Service in labs across the campus including EM 2.52 and in the library.
Robotics Lab
The Robotics Laboratory was founded in 2010 and is dedicated both to research and education. As a result the lab is responsible for the academic development of robotics expertise for undergraduates and a number of MSc and PhD students who work closely together with our researchers and academics.
The lab is part of the Edinburgh Centre for Robotics, which is a joint venture between Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh.
Parallel and High Performance computing platforms
We have parallel and high performance computing platforms available for research and teaching, such as three 64-core/512GB memory servers and a 32-node “Beowulf” 8-core/12GB cluster with nVidia CUDA capable graphics. Some research groups have their own parallel and high performance facilities in addition to these general resources. For further information please contact Professor Sven-Bodo Scholz.
The Learning Zone
The Learning Zone is a student gathering area where our students meet to work on project assignments and interact with the equipment that our researchers are developing. Events are also held here such as student poster sessions and industry networking. For further information please contact Professor Nick Taylor.
Key information
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
- +44 (0)131 451 3324
- studywithus@hw.ac.uk