About us
Welcome to the School of Mathematical and Computer Science at Heriot-Watt University.
The school comprises of three Departments; Mathematics, Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics, and Computer Science, with an academic staff of 151, and over 1400 students studying at undergraduate, postgraduate taught, and postgraduate research levels across our Edinburgh, Dubai and Malaysia campuses.
We are proud of our international reputation for research and of the teaching programmes we offer, and of our links with a variety of professional and industrial partners. The School hosts the Actuarial Research Centre, coordinating the network of actuarial researchers affiliated with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries; it is a key partner in the Edinburgh Robotics Centre, at the forefront of research in robotics worldwide; and is an integral part of the Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, one of largest and most successful mathematical research institutes in the UK. The vibrant environment of our School, our team of leading academics and our research activities attract a wide variety of students and staff from all over the world.
Key information
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
- +44 (0)131 451 3324
- studywithus@hw.ac.uk