Malaysia Alumni Story: Kwok Wai Meng (Class of 2019)



Alumni Kwok Wai Meng 2024

Kwok Wai Meng, a Heriot-Watt University Malaysia (HWUM) alumni returned, but now as a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) student. His passion and enthusiasm in academics and research were the push factor that led him to aim for a bigger goal in academics after successfully finishing his BSc (Hons) Actuarial Science in July 2019.

“Academics, research and teaching always felt more natural to me. It’s not a perfect world, but I enjoy the freedom to research what I’m interested in, and to devise better ways of teaching and communicating statistics. I felt like I wouldn’t be given the same type of opportunities or openness in other industries. My short foray into the actuarial industry was insightful and fun, but ultimately, my vision for my personal future was different, and it felt right to return to academia when the opportunity arose,” said Wai Meng.

“I was fond of my undergraduate experience from 2016 to 2019 when I studied the BSc (Hons) Actuarial Science programme. In terms of Heriot-Watt University Malaysia’s environment, I enjoyed the variety of study spaces that the campus has to offer, and it was nice to be able to take a walk around the lake to clear my head when I felt stressful, as any undergraduate is bound to feel at one point! Academically, most lecturers provided great support, I personally appreciated the fact that the courses I took in Actuarial Science did not shy away from theoretical foundations in a world that is becoming increasingly focused on applications. Being the first School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences (MACS) PhD student that started towards the end of 2020, was a little overwhelming in the beginning, but my supervisors were very experienced and guided me well, especially during the pandemic. I am hopeful that in time, the Malaysia campus’ postgraduate programmes will develop to have a much larger and stronger community, and provide even more support to their postgraduate students, much like the Edinburgh campus”.

When asked on why he decided to return to HWUM to further his studies, he said:

“During my undergraduate studies, I expressed my interest in research to one of my lecturers, Assistant Professor Alistair Wallis. When a Research Assistant contract position under Professor Sarat Dass opened up mid-pandemic, Alistair informed me, and I applied for it. After the contract ended, Professor Sarat Dass soon started to accept PhD students, and having had a positive working experience with him, I found the opportunity too good to miss – and here we are! I would say I returned to Heriot-Watt University Malaysia by a mix of connections and luck, but it was also an easy decision for me because I felt heard, and supported by people like Alistair and Sarat along the way.”

When asked about his opinion on Actuarial Science and its demand in the market today, he said:

“Frankly, I don’t feel qualified enough to speak on this as my postgraduate is in Statistics, not Actuarial Science, so I hope you take my opinions with a grain of salt! But I think the demand for Actuarial Science graduates still exists today – our rapidly changing world demands expanding insurance strategies. Many are worried that artificial intelligence would take over the actuarial industry, but human judgement is still very much valuable and acts as a final, trustworthy safeguard when it comes to decision-making and assessing risks. However, graduates might find that the industry is getting increasingly competitive since its popularity started rising a few years ago,” said Wai Meng.

“Heriot-Watt University Malaysia was, and is, a great personal choice for me, but I encourage you to connect with current students, staff or alumni to get multiple perspectives and make an informed decision. Most importantly, take your time to decide what is best for you – it’s a big commitment after all,” concluded Wai Meng.

Kwok Wai Meng
Research Assistant / PhD Student
Heriot-Watt University Malaysia – Class of 2019


HWU News Malaysia