HWUM Careers and Graduate Futures Collaborates with Toastmasters Club for Mock Interview



HWUM Mock Interview Toastmaster 2024

Heriot-Watt University Malaysia (HWUM) Careers and Graduate Futures and HWUM Toastmasters Club collaborates to bring the university’s very first mock interview. Interviews are without a doubt the make-or-break factor in securing employment where one's ability to navigate conversations and showcase skills can determine success.

With this in mind, the Interview Preparation: Mock Interview was held on 13 March 2024. The Mock Interview was curated to offer students a platform to refine their interview skills, boost their confidence, and gain valuable insights from seasoned industry professionals.

The distinguished panel of interviewers comprised of Mr. Kow Wen Xuan and Ms. Ellys Low from Talent Houz, alongside Mr. Isaac Teo and Mr. Dean Yeo from Samsung Electronics. Their involvement brought a wealth of industry knowledge, enriching the learning experience for participating students and enhancing the authenticity of the simulated interview process. Having interviewed countless applicants throughout their careers, they offered students a unique opportunity to learn from their nuanced insights and practical wisdom. The event had a total of 16 participants from diverse academic backgrounds, representing nine different programs.

The event was divided into two integral parts: the interview session and evaluation session. The interview session was designed to simulate a real interview where students were asked behavioural questions and were given a chance to ask the interviewers questions as well, mirroring the dynamics of real interviews. Following the interviews, the evaluation session provided students with constructive feedback on their performance. Each participant received both written and verbal evaluations which were based on first impressions, verbal and non-verbal communication, professionalism, and the quality of their CV/Resume.

Furthermore, in recognition of exemplary preparation, each interviewer selected a “Best Prepared Candidate” from their batch of students. The courageous individuals who participated in the event showcased commendable determination, overcoming their nerves to showcase their abilities and to test their limits.

The mock interview was a testament to the university's dedication to providing practical experiences that prepare students for success beyond academia. It demonstrated the value of collaboration between academic institutions and industry partners in nurturing future talent.


HWU News Malaysia