Heriot-Watt University's Global Research Institute for Net Zero - iNetZ+ Launches Hydrogen Theme



Raffaella Ocone addressing Hydrogen Conference

A Milestone in Industry Collaboration

In a significant stride towards sustainable energy solutions, Heriot-Watt University, together with the Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (SHFCA), celebrated the launch of the Hydrogen theme for the iNetZ+ Global Research Institute (GRI). This industry-led conference saw over 80 attendees convene at the University’s GRID Building on the Edinburgh Campus, championing the importance of collaborative research and industry engagement in advancing hydrogen energy technologies.

The event emerged as a crucial forum for dialogue among academia, industry, and government representatives, dissecting the multifaceted challenges and prospects within hydrogen production, storage, utilisation, and societal acceptance. This iterative approach to innovation was spotlighted through discussions and workshops to inform ongoing projects and pioneering research initiatives.

Insights from Leading Experts

Professor Raffaella Ocone OBE, who leads the Hydrogen theme within iNetZ+ at Heriot-Watt University, provided a comprehensive reflection on the day’s discussions and the broader vision for hydrogen:

Today's launch exemplifies the strength of interdisciplinary research in navigating the complexities of the hydrogen economy. Our objective transcends addressing the immediate technical challenges; we aim to establish a holistic framework that integrates economic, environmental, and social considerations.

By promoting cross-disciplinary collaboration, we are not merely envisioning a net-zero future but actively shaping the responsible technologies and policies needed for a sustainable, globally equitable energy transition. 

Adding to the discourse, Nigel Holmes, CEO at Scottish Hydrogen Fuel Cell Association, and a key advocate for Heriot-Watt’s industry collaboration, remarked:

Our partnership with Heriot-Watt for the Hydrogen theme launch showcases the transformative power of collaboration. This joint effort is pivotal in not only propelling hydrogen technology forward but also in crafting a model for academia and industry to jointly hasten the energy transition.

A Vision for the Future

The successful event marks the beginning of a promising journey towards innovative and sustainable energy solutions. As the Hydrogen theme gathers momentum, Heriot-Watt University anticipates fostering more breakthroughs and partnerships that will define the energy landscape of the future.

Professor Peter Cummings, Academic Co-Lead for iNetZ+, highlighted the event's comprehensive focus and its implications for the future of hydrogen technology:

This gathering addresses every facet of hydrogen technology, aiming to demystify and promote a well-informed understanding of its potential and challenges. With Professor Raffaella Ocone leading our efforts, we are poised to drive significant advancements in the hydrogen economy, leveraging Heriot-Watt’s extensive expertise.

Echoing this sentiment, Professor Gillian Murray, Deputy Principal Business and Enterprise, highlighted the initiative's broader objectives:

The launch goes beyond showcasing our research; it's about reinforcing our commitment to collaborative innovation. The Hydrogen theme within iNetZ+ is a clear signal of our dedication to contributing meaningfully to Scotland's and the world's net-zero ambitions.

How to get involved

For more information on the event and upcoming initiatives, visit Heriot-Watt University's website. To explore collaboration opportunities, please contact GRID@hw.ac.uk.

About iNetZ+

iNetZ+ is committed to addressing the global climate crisis by partnering with communities, governments, and industrial partners to deliver actionable, market-ready solutions. As a beacon of excellence within Heriot-Watt University, iNetZ+ is instrumental in propelling the university's contributions towards global net-zero targets.


Scott Holmes

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