What happens next?

If you have failed the final assessment of any course during the academic year and are not a final year student you are entitled to a reassessment opportunity. Reassessments include resit exams and the resubmission of coursework. Read the University’s reassessment procedures.

Support available

Main point of contact

Reassessment guidance

Improve academic skills

Wellbeing support

How do I find out when reassessments take place?

Reassessment examinations generally take place in the August exam diet but may take place in the December or Spring diets. The dates of all assessment periods are available in the University's academic calendar and examination timetable publication dates. If you are being re-assessed in course, project or remedial work, please contact your School office for further information. Make sure you know what the re-assessment arrangements are.

What if I don't pass a reassessment?

You must make every effort to pass your resits! If you fail you may not be able to continue on your current programme.

Do not ignore a reassessment or fail to turn up (without a Mitigating Circumstances application). You may not be able to continue on your programme, or even to continue at the University.

Can I resit an exam that I've passed to improve my grade?

No. You can only resit an exam if you have failed or have been granted Mitigating Circumstances.

I'm going on holiday during the reassessment diet

Unfortunately, you will need to rearrange your holiday. Holidays are not valid grounds for Mitigating Circumstances.

I can’t find my resit details on the timetable, what do I do?

If you have any enquiries about the exam timetable please contact student-services-UK@hw.ac.uk.

Do I have to do exactly the same assessment for a resit?

You will not sit exactly the same exam, but a paper prepared specially for the reassessment. It will, however, test your knowledge of the course.

What should I expect and what should I bring with me?

All exams are conducted in the same way, whether they are first sittings or resits. You should bring everything you think you will need.

Do I have to pay for resits?

There is a reassessment fee of £35 per course. You will receive an email informing you of the amount due, which you must pay before you will be able to enrol or graduate. You can pay via Student Self Service. Please note you should allow at least one working day for payment to clear. If you have a query with your invoice, please contact the Student Service Centre student-services-UK@hw.ac.uk.

Can I sit my resit exams at another Heriot-Watt campus or off-campus?

No, you must take all your examinations at the campus where you are studying.

If I pass my resits in August when can I enrol?

If you are allowed to progress then you can enrol, the progression requirements for your programme are detailed in your Programme Handbook. After the August reassessments the Resit Exam Board will approve all results and make progression decisions, students who have undertaken reassessments will then be given a date from when they can enrol. Information on enrolment is available. Your results and progression decision will be available online via Student Self Service

Are there any implications if I have a Tier 4 Student visa?

If you are in the UK on a Tier 4 student visa you should check what the visa implications will be if you are required to take resits. To speak to a Student Advisor about this please contact the Student information desk and log an enquiry with the Tier 4 Student visa team.