Thesis submission

Before submitting your thesis, you must follow the correct procedures which are contained in the following documents. Please note that the University will be unable to accept your thesis if the correct procedures, relating to the submission and format of your thesis, have not been followed.

When your Initial Thesis has been accepted, it will then be sent to your approved Internal Examiner and External Examiner(s). You will be informed of your viva date by your School. After the viva takes place the Internal Examiner and External Examiner(s) send their reports to your School's Postgraduate Research Office. These reports then go to the Research Degrees Committee and the Examiners' decision is considered for approval. Once your award is approved, you will be contacted by Academic Registry directly, to make arrangements for the upcoming Graduation.

Guidance on the presentation and submission of your thesis

You will find a step by step guide and in preparation for submitting both your initial and the final thesis:

Preparing to submit the Initial Thesis
1. Appointment of Examiners and Approval of Thesis Titles (Minimum 4-6 weeks in advance of intended submission) Submission of Thesis Title and Recommendation for Appointment of Examiners Form (to be completed by the Primary Supervisor only - staff only access)
2. Guidelines on Thesis Format Guidelines on the Submission and Format of Thesis
3. Initial Thesis Submission online through: 
Thesis Submission page 
1. Research Thesis Submission (this document must be submitted along with your thesis)
2. Inclusion of Published work form (if required, this must be included within your thesis)     
3. Submission of Thesis Declaration form by Supervisor
4. Viva takes place approx. 4-6 weeks after initial thesis submission Student receives a list of corrections by the internal examiner and prepares for final submission by the deadline
Preparing to submit the Final Thesis
1. Final Thesis Submission  Research Thesis Submission (this document must be submitted along with your thesis)
Inclusion of Published work form (if required, this must be included within your thesis)
2. Include signed off Internal Examiner Declaration Form Internal Examiners Declaration Form
3. Final Thesis Submission online through:   Thesis Submission Page

Resubmissions: If you have been asked to resubmit your thesis, please follow the same process for 'Preparing to Submit the Initial Thesis'. If you have any enquiries, please contact your School PGR Office, for assistance. 

Other useful documents:

Deadline dates for thesis submission
Action Deadline
For Summer 2025 Degree Congregations Tuesday 29 April 2025, (For Research Degrees Committee Tuesday 13 May 2025) 

Key information

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