How can I prepare for reassessments?

Personal Tutor

If you did not pass all of your exams and have any queries about your results or the reassessment process, then you should contact your personal tutor. Your personal tutor is your point of contact that can provide you with guidance on your next steps and will be able to offer advice on how to obtain detailed feedback and suggest sources of support. 

Teaching staff

If you have any course specific queries in preparing for your reassessments, please contact the appropriate lecturers. It is best to get in touch with your questions as soon as possible to avoid last minute panic. 

Developing your academic skills

Skills Hub workshops cover a range of academic skills and study advice. It is worth looking at the workshop programme and booking up for any session that you think might be useful to you. If you are worried about reassessments (or assessments in general) the workshops How to Manage Exam Stress, How to Stop Putting Things Off and the Exam Survival Guide may be of particular interest to you.

You can also contact your Subject Librarian for advice on research and resources and access a range of electronic resources. Find details of opening times for the Library.

Make sure you check Canvas for useful material for your reassessments.

Learn From The Re-assessment Experience

Remember, reassessments are a great opportunity to develop your subject knowledge and your academic skills. It is also an opportunity to try more effective ways of revising and studying. Passing your reassessments will put you on a firmer footing for the next stage of your studies. 

Study Tips

For some great study tips, please read this advice from Heriot-Watt lecturers

Key information