What is the Chaplaincy?

The Chaplaincy was built as a 'home-from-home' for students and a place to meet people and make friends.
As well as Church services on Sundays, the Chaplaincy hold many social and cultural events. Don't miss the Tuesday soup lunch, the Wednesday meal and Thursday coffee & cake during semester. Also during semester time, we organise day trips for international students to beautiful parts of Scotland.
The Chaplaincy is open to everyone, welcoming those of any religion as well as those with no religious faith. In the Chaplaincy you can:
- Enjoy good food and great company at our socially-distanced social events
- Go on trips to the Scottish countryside for international students
- Play pool or table tennis with friends
- Drop in for a chat about anything – confidentiality assured
- Practise piano or any other musical instrument in our Chapel (by arrangement).
Key information
- chaplaincy@hw.ac.uk