What information to keep, and for how long

Introduction and guidance

Retention Schedules are used to determine how long University records need to be kept for operational, legal and evidential purposes and, what happens at the end of that period.  They apply to all University records, whatever their format.

At least once a year, review your records and implement the actions described in the retention schedules.

Disposition of records

Most University information has short-term value and should be destroyed promptly and securely at the end of its retention period.

A small percentage of the information we create has long-term 'archival value'.  This information needs to be preserved in the University Museum and Archive at the end of its retention period.  For example, committee papers for Court and Senate.

Retention schedules

The following retention schedules cover all areas of University activity, whether through dedicated services or as part of a larger grouping of activities. They are divided into those which are common to all areas, even if this merely consists of a copy file for correspondence relating to that activity e.g. Insurance. There are also separate divisions for those activities which are carried out by Professional Services and those carried out by Schools. If you cannot find what you are looking for, or have a comment to make about specific schedules, contact the Information Governance team.

Common Retention Schedules for all Professional Services, Schools, Institutes, etc

Professional Services



Key information

Anne Grzybowski