Story Contracting

In this case study we hear from Kayla Miller who works with our employer partner, Story Contracting. Kayla is now in her 4th year on our Civil Engineering GA programme. We also hear from Graeme McInnes, Engineering Director.

Please describe what you are employed to do in your current role

I am currently employed as a Trainee Engineer with Story Contracting. My main jobs are producing project documentation, carrying-out take-offs from technical drawings, setting out and surveying, and ensure detailed site records are maintained.

Can you give us some background what you were doing before your Graduate Apprenticeship, and how did you hear about the opportunity?

Before I started my apprenticeship I was in my sixth year of high school and working in my local supermarket.

I heard about Graduate Apprenticeships from careers talks/events at school.

Did you consider a traditional degree? And what was it about the Graduate Apprenticeship that appealed to you the most?

I did. I applied for Civil Engineering as a full-time degree, more as a back-up, as I didn’t think full-time university would have suited me.

The Graduate Apprenticeship programme appealed to me more as you still got to complete a degree, without attending University full-time, alongside earning whilst you work and gaining hands-on experience.

How have you found balancing working whilst studying towards a degree?

Balancing work and pursuing a degree is challenging and time-consuming, but the rewards make the effort worthwhile!

What is your proudest achievement to date in your role and how has this helped deliver results on behalf of your organisation?

Over the last year, my engineering abilities have improved massively. I contributed to some major projects over the last year and helped get them over the finish line.

Where do you feel you grew and improved the most through this apprenticeship experience?

Entering the construction world straight from high school was a little bit of an eye opener. I feel like this experience helped me mature and come out of my shell. It has really improved my confidence and communication skills.

Has your Graduate Apprenticeship enabled you to take on additional responsibilities / opened up promotion opportunities?

I am now in my last year of my apprenticeship and taking on a lot more responsibility at work. Working on this programme has essentially given me a 4-year head-start working in the industry compared to students doing their degree full-time. Once I complete my degree, I will be a fully qualified engineer and will be promoted to a role with no ‘trainee’ in its title.

Can you outline what support your employer and the Uni has given you in your GA journey?

My employer has always agreed that my studies come first. We are never in a position where we have to choose between university work or ‘work’ work. Story was always happy for me to take extra time if I needed it, or to organise special arrangements to assist with my studies. My work-based mentor was also a massive help on this programme, guiding me throughout my studies.

Heriot-Watt also provided great support through my personal tutor who regularly checks in and ties in with your employer.

What are your future career hopes and goals on completion of the Graduate Apprenticeship? Would this have been different if you had gone via the traditional undergraduate route?

My future plans are to stay in the construction industry as an Engineer, and hopefully one day dive into the project management side of the company.

If I had gone the traditional route, I’m not sure this option would have been so obvious for me to take, and possibly would have worked in the consultancy side as opposed to contracting.

How would you sum up your overall experience of the Graduate Apprenticeship programme so far?

Overall, these past three and a half years have been extremely challenging, especially if all of your friends choose to do full-time degrees. However, the benefits from completing a Graduate Apprenticeship are amazing. To have almost four years site experience behind me already, is a really big advantage in the industry, and will help me excel at work.

Graduate Apprenticeship Employer – Graeme McInnes, Engineering Director

Can you provide some background to the company

We are a construction company with approximately 250 employees across two offices in Scotland.

Why does the Graduate Apprenticeship model suit your specific business/industry?

I have run a number of graduate schemes in my career across several different organisations. In the last five years I have seen a significant challenge in retaining post graduates who have unrealistic aspirations in terms of immediate career progression. The GA route provides me, as an employer, with greater levels of site experience, similar academic qualifications and a team that has become part of the team which creates greater brand loyalty.

How has the candidate been able to apply their academic learning in the workplace?

Kayla has been an exemplary candidate across her tenure. Throughout all her secondments (design/planning/preconstruction) she has utilised her learning to not only meet the requirements of the job but she has also provided improvement areas which have resulted in the business benefiting.

In what areas did the student show the most improvement and growth throughout their apprenticeship?

We were fortunate in the sense that from day one Kayla has been an exceptional member of the team, she is professional, studious, collaborative and above all she is an excellent team player who has worked well in all her rotations.

What appealed to you most about Heriot-Watt University as the GA provider?

Herio-Watt is one of three that we utilise and it is a university that we have worked with extensively over the years. They are extremely innovative and engaging.

How do you feel about the apprentice’s future? 

Extremely positive! Kayla will have options in terms of her career path and what route she chooses. In all outcomes I am confident we will gain an exceptional professional.

Based on your experience of the Graduate Apprenticeship programme would you happily employ another Graduate Apprentice in the future, and why?

Our growth strategy will be underpinned by graduate apprentice programme. It is our intention to maintain current levels of recruitment and depending on market forces this may be increased.