PhD students' abstracts

- Ahmad Algoburi - Erosion, Cavitation and Corrosion In WC-Co-Cr Coating
- Alaa Habrah - Using Outrigger Systems from Steel Plates in Tall Reinforced Concrete Buildings
- Amin Howeedy - Developing a Regulatory Design Model to Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality in Factory Buildings
- Anjali Ramachandran - Modelling and optimization of biogas generation from sewage sludge using recent Artificial Intelligence techniques
- Dima Alkawadri - An Optimised Model for Sustainable Developments
- Heveine Baban - Exploring the Potentials of Smart and Sustainable Project Controls within the Construction Industry: Drivers and Challenges
- Khalid Almheiri - Socioeconomic Impacts of Urban Flood in Sharjah City
- Maged El-Hawary - Smart Construction & Industry 4.0 Challenges and Opportunities
- Malini Deepak - Optimising carbon footprint of Water Distribution Networks in UAE with Nature Inspired Computing (NIC)
- Noureddin Omar - Enhancing Agile Application in Construction Projects Using BIM
- Samiya Aamir Al-Mabsali - Experimental investigation on heat pipe spanwise spacing for passive cooling of roof top photovoltaic panels
- Shahid Tanvir - Analysing Driver Behavior and impact of Traffic Safety Culture and Socioeconomic factors on Dubai Road Safety
- Syed Rizvi - Study the Effects of Local Water Tanks on The Performance of Water Distribution Networks
- Tugba Cangel Ergin - Sustainable Development of Urbanised Coastal Zones: A Framework for Sustainable Project Management of Coastal Developments