Social Sciences


The School of Social Sciences is the largest of five Schools in Dubai and comprises of Edinburgh Business School and the Department of Psychology.

The school offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Business management, accountancy and finance, and Psychology.

The school is committed to providing its students with the academic and professional skills required by today’s graduate employers and regularly hosts industry representatives in the classroom. Many of the school’s programmes are aligned to professional body requirements, offering exemptions from leading, industry recognised professional exams.

Department of Psychology

Our Psychology degrees use the scientific method to explore various themes in psychology, such as the influence of biology on behaviour; how we perceive, think and make decisions, and how we interact with each other.

Our BSc (Hons) Psychology, and BSc (Hons) Psychology and Management qualify Honours students are eligible for Graduate Membership of the British Psychological Society (BPS). Our Psychology degree can also be combined with Marketing, allowing students to graduate with a wider range of skills.

Our faculty are all well-established academics who are committed to providing Psychology students at Heriot-Watt Dubai with a deep and rich understanding of human behaviour across all disciplines in Psychology including: Cognitive, Forensic, Social, Biological, Health and Mental Health, Developmental, Business, History, and Neuropsychology. Students in the Hons year complete a year-long research Dissertation on the topic of their choice, working closely with a supervisor, to gain experience in conducting and reporting psychological research.

Our Psychology graduates have a strong record of post-graduate study and building careers in counselling, business, research and teaching.

Psychology is fascinating subject, and this is an opportunity for you to learn, not only about yourself, but about others and help understand the world around you.

Mercedes Sheen, Head of Department