Dr Salisha Mohammed
What made you choose to study at Edinburgh Business School?
As an Edinburgh Business School MBA tutor of twelve years, I am aware of the industry-relevant courses offered by EBS. These courses allow practitioners to build a successful career at their own pace. I evaluated doctoral programmes based on flexibility, global recognition and the potential for career enhancement and commitment. Most programmes have an average duration of about five to seven years; this requires establishing and maintaining good relationships that are positive and supportive. I attended an International Partner Conference (hosted by EBS) where I met with staff and discussed ideas for my research. The positive interaction with the faculty along with the support of a trusted friend allowed me to make a final decision.
Why did you choose to study an online DBA in Business Administration?
Published EBS DBA theses on the Heriot-Watt website provided tremendous insight into candidates' experience and their contributions to their research fields. I worked in the energy sector for a decade and for some of these years I was teaching on the MBA programme. My exposure to corporate finance and business management created a curiosity to investigate core issues faced by higher education institutions and their stakeholders. The DBA is appealing because it allows candidates to explore real problems. It embraces theoretical concepts through the lens of a practitioner.
Has your DBA research helped you solve challenges in the workplace?
The journey to achieving a DBA requires problem-solving skills at every stage. My reflective thinking and writing have improved over the years allowing a more significant contribution to my colleagues. At the onset of the pandemic, my institution made a seamless shift to online delivery of its courses and programmes. A DBA holder can adapt and function effectively during times of great uncertainty.
How would you summarise your time studying an online DBA with the Edinburgh Business School?
A journey worth remembering and sharing for the benefit of others. I am more resilient from the experience.
Tell us about your career since graduating from Heriot-Watt University.
In 2022, I became a member of the newly-formed Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Committee for the Society of Business Ethics. We support scholars and professionals in creating an environment that is fair and equitable to all members of the business ethics profession. I was a reviewer for the 2022 Academy of Management Annual Meeting and am currently a reviewer for the British Academy of Management Conference. Most importantly, I have continued teaching.
How has your online DBA benefited you personally?
Strength comes from within. I have become a much stronger and more independent person.
What advice do you have for current students?
Network. The doctoral journey can be a lonely one, seek out support and offer a listening ear.
What are your aspirations for the future? For your career and for your local and wider community?
The DBA has removed all limitations for my career. This year, I have two papers pending publication and I look forward to furthering my research in the future. I have also been a mentor at Oxford Brookes University for three years. Mentoring strengthens relationships in a community, it's a great way to give hope to someone.