Current students
Let us support your student experience
As a current student you have access to a unique and global community, which you can easily tap into and stay connected. Here's how…

Scholarships and bursaries
Each year, hundreds of students enhance their educational experience through a variety of Heriot-Watt and externally funded scholarships, including opportunities funded by the University's generous alumni community, based all over the globe.
A scholarship or bursary can help finance your student journey. Discover how to approach various bodies for support:
Scholarships and bursaries - Heriot-Watt University
Scholarships and funding - Edinburgh Business School
“The day I received the scholarship was uplifting. It felt like a reset of my perspective on life and a realisation that there is hope.” - Shanzay

Don't miss out on the upcoming University events, which are run throughout the year. These include inspirational guest speakers, research lectures and careers talks.
You can also catch up on past Watt Club events on our YouTube channel.
Check out these alumni online events:
Living and working abroad
What is Heriot-Watt Online?
Science and Communication through poetry

Panmure House Ambassador
Looking for a flexible part-time role while you are studying? The Panmure House Ambassador team might be for you. Ambassador roles can be varied but include ticketing and sales during Fringe shows, serving drinks at the bar, basic cleaning and tidying pre and post events, queue management and welcoming guests and VIPs. All of this within the historic Panmure House, the last home of the Enlightenment philosopher and economist Adam Smith. Located behind the Royal Mile and close to the Palace of Holyrood house and the Scottish Parliament, this building is not normally accessible to the public.
Contact panmurehouse@hw.ac.uk for details.