Pure support

Pure is the University's research information system, showcasing Heriot-Watt University research activity to the wider community. Pure provides a single location to store information about Heriot-Watt University research staff, publications, research data, activities and collaborations, and is the repository for full-text copies of copyright cleared publications and research data to meet UKRI and other funders' Open Access requirements.

Currently, access to Pure is available only to research academic members of staff. Research Associates who would like access to Pure should get in touch with their School Research Administrators. PGRs do not at this stage have profiles in Pure.

Pure User Guides are available on the staff intranet.

If you have any questions, please contact purehelp@hw.ac.uk. For questions on Open Access, please contact open.access@hw.ac.uk

Key information

Linda Kerr

Job title
Research Support Librarian

Paul Thompson

Job title
Head of Research & Business Intelligence