Professional Services Reviews

The Professional Services Review is a process that assures the quality and standard of services that contribute towards a high-quality student learning experience.  The reviews, which are undertaken over a six-year cycle, supplement other activities, such as internal annual reporting, external reviews by financial auditors or the Health and Safety Executive and annual performance reviews.

The outcomes of the Professional Service Reviews are reported annually to the Scottish Funding Council and the Quality Assurance Agency.

Following the completion of the Professional Service Review, the Review Team completes a report, which will normally include a number of recommendations for action; the Service will then produce an action plan to address the recommendations.  The report and action plan are approved by the University Committee for Quality & Standards and submitted for information to the Senate and University Executive.

One year after the review, the Service will submit a progress report which will be considered and approved by the University Committee for Quality and Standards.  The Committee will then inform the Senate that the review process has been completed.

Full information on the review process and guidance, including templates can be found at:

Professional Services Review Handbook

The Review Team reports, Service action plans and Service progress reports for the review cycle (2015-16 to 2019‑20) and 2022-23 onwards are provided below. Reports from previous review cycles can be obtained upon request.

Professional Services Review Reports

Service Review Date Review Team and School reports.
Student Support and Academic Registry Mar 17 Report, Action Plan
Careers Jul 18 Report, Update
Registry and Academic Support Feb 23 Report, Action Plan

Key information

Jenny Walker

Job title
Academic Quality Assistant Manager

Fiona Menzies