External examiners

Taught External Examiners and Chief External Examiners

The main purposes and functions of the external examiner system are to:

  • Ensure that the academic standard for each award and award element is set and maintained at the appropriate level and that student performance is properly judged against this
  • Ensure that the standards of awards in similar subjects are comparable across different universities in the United Kingdom, though their content does of course vary.
  • Ensure that the processes for assessment, examination and determination of awards are sound and fairly operated.
  •  Report on the standards of student performance and on comparability with students across universities in the UK.

The Handbook on External Examining for Taught Programmes has been written taking into consideration the recommendations and guidelines of the UK Quality Assurance Agency (see UK Quality Code: Advice and Guidance: External Expertise). It reflects University Regulations and procedures approved by the Senate which relate to external examiner processes (available from Ordinances and Regulations), together with generally accepted good practice. The Handbook provides a comprehensive guide for Examiners on their role and responsibilities as well as the University’s responsibility to them.

As mentioned in the Handbook (page 9), a link to the University’s Travel and Expenses Policy can be found here and Expenses claims forms are available visitor-expenses-claim-form.xlsx. Completed expenses claims should be submitted to Academic Quality on externalexaminerstaught@hw.ac.uk

Academic Quality holds a briefing session each year, aimed at new External and Chief External Examiners. A recording of the latest briefing session for November 2024 is available here.

Students can access the external examiner’s report for their programme on CANVAS. Details of the external examiner for each programme is available on the Examinations and Assessment web page

Student representatives have a formal opportunity to consider External Examiner Reports and School responses through the School Studies Committee. Some suggestions for Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs) in relation to External Examiner Reports can be found in the Student Guide: External Examiner Reports and Student Staff Liaison Committees

Key information

For queries related to appointment, payment of fees and expenses and annual reports contact Meg Henderson or Kim Peebles:

For exam related queries (eg scripts, materials etc) contact:

For other queries (eg access to Canvas, exam board dates etc) contact: