Graduate Attributes

The Global Changemaker Graduate Attributes define the skills and capabilities a Heriot-Watt University graduate will have on graduating. They align with the institution’s strategic ambition, reflecting and amplifying the aspirations we have for our students and the attributes they can expect to gain through their time at Heriot Watt.

Our Graduate Attributes for all Foundation, Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate students are:


A Heriot-Watt Graduate demonstrates curiosity, imagination and intellectual agility to drive the discovery and innovation to meet contemporary challenges.

Globally connected

A Heriot-Watt Graduate confidently engages with diverse communities, cultures and ideas, applying insights to action for inclusive, sustainable development.


A Heriot-Watt Graduate acts with integrity, compassion and ethical consideration, collaborating and appreciating the skills of others in order to inspire and lead positive changes.


A Heriot-Watt Graduate is inspired by a personal commitment to deliver positive impact within local and global communities and make a valued contribution to society.

Graduate Attributes resources

A range of resources are available to support you to embed the Graduate Attributes in resources, activities and discussions with students, colleagues and external stakeholders. 

Key information

Maggie King