
Management profiles
Person Role
Professor Sara Lombardo Executive Dean and Head of MACS
Stephen Gill Associate Head of School (Dubai)
Dr Ian Tan  Associate Head of School (Malaysia)
Professor Catherine Donnelly Head of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics
Professor Jurriaan Hage Head of Computer Science
Professor Lehel Banjai Head of Mathematics
Professor Christian Saemann Associate Executive Dean (Education & Student Life)
Dr Marcelo Pereyra Director of Research
Claire Porter Operations Manager
Robbie McArthur Finance Manager
Dr Tessa Berg Director of Academic Quality
Professor Fairouz Kamareddine Director of Internationalisation
Dr Patricia Vargas Director of Ethics
Dr Simon Malham Director of PGR Studies
Professor Laura Ciobanu  Co-Director of the Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Dr Kathrin Stark Early Career Forum Representative
Prof Andrew Ireland & Dr Audrey Repetti MACS Athena Swan Representatives