Photonics and Quantum Sciences

The Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences (IPAQS) carries out broad range of world-leading research in photonic physics, engineering photonics and quantum sciences.
IPAQS builds on Heriot-Watt’s 40+ years of history in world-leading research in photonics and spans a broad range of research – from lasers and optical sensing approaches to future manufacturing methods to the fundamentals of quantum information. As our title suggests, there will be a special focus on quantum sciences and its close relationship with photonics-based technology.
Our broad research base encourages cross-fertilisation of ideas across the theoretical and experimental base of photonics and quantum sciences, giving the Institute a strong capability to manage the challenges of contemporary academic research. IPAQS presents a unified capability to industry and other collaborative partner laboratories. We maintain very strong links with industry, and currently have formal Strategic Alliances with SELEX ES, Renishaw and AWE. Our depth in relevant photonics research has led to the formation of a number of successful spin-out companies including Edinburgh Instruments, Helia Photonics and PowerPhotonic.
We have excellent opportunities for postgraduate research study, with over 30 academics offering PhD research opportunities and the Industrial Doctorate Centre in Photonics offering EngD degrees in conjunction with industry.
For more information about IPAQS, please see our annual report.