James, Eira

Project Title

Manganese and its role in (de)stabilizing aquatic carbon from land to ocean.


Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an essential part of aquatic ecosystems, providing a source of energy and nutrients for biota. Manganese (Mn) interacts with DOM and can alter its chemical composition, potentially having a ripple effect within the aquatic ecosystem.

With land use and climatic changes increasing the mobility of Mn and supply of DOM in Scotland’s upland river catchments, it is crucial that we better understand how this Mn will interact with the abundant organic matter present in these peatland environments. This project aims to better understand whether polymerization reactions, redox reactions, or the formation of Mn-DOM complexes preferentially occur in Scotland’s upland river catchments.

If redox reactions destabilize the carbon contained within DOM to CO2, then increased Mn mobility in response to climatic change could act as a positive feedback mechanism. A negative feedback mechanism could occur where DOM is stabilized by Mn through polymerization reactions and the formation of organo-metallic complexes.


Dr Ryan Pereira
Dr Julia R. De Rezende
Prof. Karen Johnson (Durham University)
Dr Lynsay Blake (Durham University)

