Miracle Wong Phi Bee

Miracle Wong Phi Bee, BSc (Hons) Statistical Data Science
I applied to the Statistical Data Science programme in Heriot-Watt University Malaysia because it was one of the only courses offered in Malaysia that had a good mix of Mathematics and Computing. The degree offered a unique addition of Actuarial Science electives as well, which allowed me the option to apply Mathematics to areas such as Healthcare, Insurance, and Investments.  As a result, I can appreciate and understand Data Science from a Statistical standpoint but also be equipped to apply the concepts to programming.
Even as I opted to study in Heriot-Watt because of the course, what surprised me was the quality of teaching and academic support. My lecturers are responsive to feedback, willing to answer my (many) questions and inspire me to look further into my degree. Through their support, I can have a say in my education, enjoy a wholistic, in-depth understanding of my course's content, and remain a curious learner of Data Science and its nuances.