Clubs and activities

Student clubs and societies
Student clubs and societies are a great way to meet new people and make friends with other students from around the world. There are a number of clubs and societies which are actively seeking new student members. Clubs are run by students, for students and are an excellent way to get involved and enrich your university life. Find out more about student clubs and associations that are currently available at our Student Association website.
Sport and recreation
There are many sports and recreational facilities in Putrajaya, which offer special rates and discounts to Heriot-Watt students.
The sports complex in Precinct 18 provides both outdoor and indoor sports facilities, with many of the sport facilities being free of charge on weekdays. The water sports complex at Precinct 6 boasts an Olympic-size swimming pool and other facilities. There is an Extreme Challenge Park at Precinct 5 as well as the many public parks which provide excellent recreation and picnic spots for students.
For full details see Related documents.