Muhammad Irfan Bin Mohd Iwan Jefry
Final year

Why did you decide to take part in a Global Student Programme at Heriot-Watt?
Well, I have always wanted to study overseas for my tertiary education and experience new cultures and gain invaluable experiences along the way. Since the programme allowed me to transfer overseas at any point during my studies, and for a semester or a year, this seemed the best opportunity, as financially, as I wouldn't want to burden my parents with a full 3-year overseas fee. I got to do a year abroad instead. Also, it just seemed like a fun thing to do.
How did studying in Malaysia differ from studying in the UK?
While studying in Malaysia I travelled from home everyday but in the UK, I lived on campus. Since I lived on campus managing my time with cooking, cleaning, shopping and studying become more of a priority as compared to Malaysia where my only concern was studying and getting home on time. A major difference would be the weather. In the UK I would sometimes study at the park or just generally be outside more often. I am the type of person who enjoys the cold, so it was the perfect weather for me. Importantly studying is the same wherever you go, just with different lecturers and classmates.
Was there anything that you found challenging about studying in the UK?
I can't really find anything that was challenging for me, but it was mostly just to adapt to the culture here I guess. But I have been receptive to change and adapt to my situation, so I did not find it difficult at all. But others might find it hard to adjust as some of them this would be their first time overseas on their own.
What advice would you give other students thinking of taking part in Heriot-Watt's Global Student Programme?
I'd say just got for it. The worries that you might have now are of little significance when it comes to the joy of studying overseas and experiencing new cultures. This is one of those once-in-a lifetime opportunity, its true you can work overseas later in life, but the best time of your lives is when you are students. So just grab it and enjoy the ride that will forever shape the rest of your life.