MaGIC Winners - Bio-Sekitar Enterprise

Bio-Sekitar Enterprise, an EmPOWER-funded, student-led project from Heriot-Watt University Malaysia, recently participated in the MaGIC University Startup Challenge 2020, where ideas with business potential are transformed into a startup. The Bio-Sekitar Enterprise team secured 4th place in the Judges' Selection Award (Social Innovation Track) and 3rd place in the Public Voting Award (Social Innovation Track).
The team comprise engineering students Husna Yusoff, Jack Ooi Teng Hao, Lee Rong Chen, Michael Ong and Leonard Chew. With the goal of tackling food waste issues in Malaysia in mind, the team set forth to create a Bio-Digester, a “partially automated device which helps to convert food waste into cooking gas”. With the Bio-Digester, food waste could be recycled into two by-products, fertilizer and methane gas. Aside from being safe and easy to use and environmentally friendly, most importantly, this invention creates awareness about food waste management among the general public.
A total of 154 applicants were involved in the first phase of the MaGIC University Startup Challenge 2020 which began since June 2020. 28 start-ups were shortlisted for the final pitching session that was held from 18 to 20 October 2020.