Samima Saqib

Why did you decide to study at Heriot-Watt University?
The reason I chose Heriot-Watt was because of it being a research based institution and the Architectural Engineering programme being offered. It’s one of the only programme that allows students to design the building systems, explore innovative and unique ideas and also understand the architectural elements.
What do you enjoy most about the programme?
Heriot-Watt University’s BEng Architectural Engineering prepares you for your chosen career route really well, but my favourite part of it all was that the courses were designed in a way that allowed me to explore the various ideas, concepts and innovations.
What will being a graduate of Heriot-Watt University do for your future?
As a student in Heriot-Watt University the most important concept I learned was “to take risks, never give up and keep trying until you find the solution to the problem” and I plan to follow this philosophy throughout my career.
What's been the highlight of your time here so far?
Heriot-Watt University provided me with skills required to get an internship with Woods Bagot, which was the highlight of the 4 years I spent here and I am very grateful for that.
Describe Heriot-Watt University in four words:
Good preparation for professional world.