Harry Sealy

Harry has led the Jacobs-CESC partnership for the last two years facilitating the involvement of a wide range of Jacobs staff in support of joint initiatives, webinars, panel discussions, workshops and an ongoing Eng.Doc. He is a Chartered Environmental Consultant with 25 years’ experience in environmental management across multiple sectors and is Jacobs Technical Director for Environmental Services in the Middle East and. His achievements include the authoring of national standards for environmental management of Highways Designs, Sustainability Strategies for a major Educational City, pioneered the introduction of the CEEQUAL standard for sustainability in major civils projects. He is currently also the Technical Lead for environmental and social impact assessment across multiple major projects across one of the regions giga-projects. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA), of which he is also the regional founding Chair, and an Honorary Fellow of Heriot-Watt University. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the ICE’s Journal of Engineering Sustainability and having worked on integrated multidisciplinary teams his entire career, he is passionate about collaboration to drive awareness across all levels of business on both the importance and value of sound sustainability governance towards effective action on Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss.