Dr Taha Elhag
Taha Elhag
- Job title
- Associate Professor
- t.elhag@hw.ac.uk
- Role
- Associate Professor
- Section
- School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society
- t.elhag@hw.ac.uk

Dr Taha Elhag is a member of Board of Directors of CIB and associate professor in project management at Heriot Watt University. Previously he was an associate professor at UCL, University of London. Before that, he was an assistant professor at Manchester University.
Dr Elhag is a highly skilled training facilitator, with experience of delivering interactive learning interventions at all levels of organisations. He has developed and run events covering all major areas of project management theory and practice. He provides accredited professional training for PMI and APM qualifications in the UK, North Africa and Middle East. He also worked with the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) for capacity building and development programmes. Dr Elhag has been developing and delivering bespoke education and professional training interventions for a range of government ministries, private sector and universities.
His teaching duties comprise undergraduate and postgraduate programmes; and course/programme directorship. Dr. Elhag academic experience also includes the supervision of MSc dissertations and PhD research; and acting as internal and external examiner for different Universities. He is also an expert reviewer for many international journals and EPSRC research projects. His research experience incorporates his role as principal investigator of EPSRC research grants.
Dr Elhag was a visiting lecturer at Manchester and Reading Universities and the British University in Dubai (BUiD). He is an internationally respected academic with a track record of publications. Dr Elhag is regularly invited to join international conference advisory committees. He is the author of over 80 refereed papers in international journals and conferences. He has wide ranging expertise providing project management consultancy. His experience also involved working as an engineer and project manager with contracting organisations. He is a member of the Association for Project Management (MAPM).
His research interests include:
• Knowledge management and organisational learning
• Innovation process and management
• Project procurement systems
• Public Private Partnership (PPP)
• Cost modelling and tender price estimation
• Applications of artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic systems
• Building information modelling (BIM)
• Infrastructure management systems
Refereed Journal Papers
Elhag T, Eapen S and Ballal, T. 2020 “Moderating Claims and Disputes through Collaborative Procurement” Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, Vol. 20 No. 1, pp. 79-95.
Haider M, Batikha M and Elhag T. 2019 “Precast versus cast-in-situ concrete in the construction of post-tensioned box-girder bridges” Structural Concrete journal, https://doi.org/10.1002/suco.201800263
Alhouli Y, Elhag T, Alardhi M and Alazemi J. 2017 “Development of Conceptual Framework for Ship Maintenance Performance Measurements” Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Vol 7, No 3, pp. 63-71.
Alhouli Y, Alardhi M and Elhag T. 2017 “Preventive Maintenance Scheduling of Ship Fleet Using Integer Programming” International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 8, pp. 279-285.
Liyanage C, Elhag T. and Ballal T. 2012 “Establishing a Connection between Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Diffusion” Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, Vol. 13, No. 1.
Okon BB. and Elhag TMS. 2011 “Sustainability Index: An Application into Sustainable Engineering Infrastructure Management and Assessment” Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation. Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 18-31.
Ndoni, DH and Elhag TMS. 2010 “The Integration of Human Relationships in Capital Development projects: a case study of BSF scheme” International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 3 Issue 3.
Okon B, Ekpo S, and Elhag T 2010 “A Sustainable Engineering Infrastructure Model” Journal of Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 2184 (1), pp. 1101-1105.
Liyanage C, Ballal T. and Elhag T. 2009 “Assessing the Process of Knowledge Transfer – An Empirical Study” Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 8 (3), pp. 251-265.
Liyanage C, Elhag TMS, Ballal TMA and Li Q. 2009 “Knowledge communication and translation: A knowledge transfer model” Journal of Knowledge Management Vol. 13 Issue 3, pp. 118-131.
Wang YM and Elhag TMS. 2008 “An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for bridge risk assessment” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 34, Issue 4, pp. 3099-3106.
Wang YM, Liu J and Elhag TMS. 2008 “An integrated AHP-DEA methodology for bridge risk assessment” Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol 54, Issue 3, pp. 513-525.
Wang YM and Elhag TMS. 2008 “Evidential reasoning approach for bridge condition assessment” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 34, Issue 1, pp. 689-699.
Elhag TMS and Wang YM. 2007 “Risk assessment for bridge maintenance projects: neural networks versus regression techniques” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol 21, Issue 6, pp. 402-409.
Wang YM and Elhag TMS. 2007 “A fuzzy group decision making approach for bridge risk assessment” Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol 53, Issue 1, pp. 137-148.
Wang YM and Elhag TMS. 2007 “A comparison of neural network, evidential reasoning and multiple regression analysis in modelling bridge risks” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 336 – 348.
Wang YM and Elhag TMS. 2007 “A goal programming method for obtaining interval weights from an interval comparison matrix” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 177, Issue 1, pp. 458 – 471.
Wang YM and Elhag TMS. 2006 “An approach to avoiding rank reversal in AHP” Decision Support Systems, Vol. 42, Issue 3, pp. 1474 – 1480.
Wang YM, Elhag TMS and Hua Z. 2006 “A modified fuzzy logarithmic least squares method for fuzzy analytic hierarchy process” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 157, Issue 23, pp. 3055 – 3071.
Wang YM and Elhag TMS. 2006 “Fuzzy TOPSIS method based on alpha level sets with an application to bridge risk assessment” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 31 Issue 2 pp. 309 – 319.
Wang YM and Elhag TMS. 2006 “On the normalization of interval and fuzzy weights” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol 157 Issue 18 pp 2456 – 2471.
Elhag TMS, Boussabaine AH and Ballal TMA. 2005 “Critical Determinants of Construction Tendering Costs: Quantity Surveyors’ Standpoint” International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 23 Issue 7 pp. 538 – 545.
Morris PWG, Elhag TMS, Deason P, Milburn R, Bloomfield D. 2003 “IT Support for Knowledge Management in Designer and Contractor Briefing” International Journal of IT in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Vol. 1 No. 1 pp 9 – 24.
Elhag TMS. and Boussabaine AH. 2002 “Tender Price Estimation Using Artificial Neural Networks II: Modelling” Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, Vol. 7 No. 1 pp. 49 – 64.
Elhag TMS. and Boussabaine AH. 2001 “Tender Price Estimation Using Artificial Neural Networks I: Data Pre-processing” Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, Vol. 6 No. 3 pp. 193 – 208.
Boussabaine AH. and Elhag TMS. 1999 “Statistical Analysis and Cost Models Development for Tender Price Estimation” The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), ISBN – 085406-9917.
Boussabaine AH., Thomas R. and Elhag TMS. 1999 “Modelling Cost Flow Forecasting for Water Pipeline Projects Using Neural Networks” Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management Vol. 6 No. 3 pp. 213 – 224.
Boussabaine AH. and Elhag TMS. 1999 “Applying Fuzzy Techniques to Cash Flow Analysis” Construction Management and Economics Vol. 17 No. 6 pp. 745 – 755.