Pouria Hafiz

Director of Civil Engineering Program
School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society
00971 4 4358734
Pouria Hafiz


Pouria Hafiz is an Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering in Civil Engineering department. He is also the Director of Studies for Civil Engineering program at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels in the School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society in Dubai.


Pouria Hafiz completed his BSc and MSc in Civil Engineering at Sharif University of Technology in early 2000s and continued his PhD studies at Heriot Watt University with thesis title “Experimental and numerical structural performance of reinforced Lightweight aggregate concrete elements”. He became a full-time faculty member at Azad University Dubai campus in 2008 and started working at Heriot Watt University in September 2012. He has also worked at several Engineering Consulting companies in Tehran and Dubai as senior structural design engineer. Over the years, he received membership from several professional bodies such as Society of Engineers in Dubai and the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) for which he has been acting as SLO (Student Liaison Officer) since 2016.


His research interests include:

  • 3D concrete printing
  • Research interests
  • Fibre-reinforced concrete,
  • Lightweight concrete
  • Numerical and experimental investigation of the behaviour of reinforced concrete and composite structural forms under load ranging from static (monotonic and cyclic) to dynamic (seismic, impact, blast).
  • Investigation of the effect of steel fibres on the response of various reinforced concrete configurations under static loading applied monotonically or seismic loading.