Dr Mutasim Ibrahim Nour
Mutasim Nour
- Job title
- Associate Professor
- mutasim.nour@hw.ac.uk
- Role
- Associate Professor
- Section
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences
- mutasim.nour@hw.ac.uk

Professor Nour is the Associate Director of External relations and industry engagement and Director of the MSc Energy and MSc Renewable Energy Engineering programmes.
He teaches Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Programmes and is Masters Dissertation coordinator at the Dubai campus.
His area of expertise includes Electrical Engineering, power quality and control, energy saving and renewable energy.
He has received his PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Putra, Malaysia, Malaysia in 2008.Prior to joining Heriot - Watt University in 2010, he worked at the University of Nottingham, Malaysia from June 2022 until August 2010. During his tenure there he was the Associate Professor for Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Member of the School of Engineering Management Board, Undergraduate Admissions Head, Assistant Professor and Electrical Strand Leader.
Outside the educational industry, Professor Nour worked as worked as a Project Engineer for Excel Electronics and Industrial Supplies (Malaysia Branch) Sdn. Bhd., from 1996-1998.
He's been the member of IEEE since 2008, Jordan Engineers Association since 1996 and an active member of the Energy Institute as well.
University Committees
Professor Nour is part of the EPS Management group/local, member of University Senate since 2016 and part of the EPS school studies committee and external engagement group.
Solar PV Inverters, Renewable Energy Storage Systems, Power Quality, applications of AI in Power systems, Fuzzy Logic Control, Demand Management and Energy Efficiency.
Research output to-date includes more than fifty peer-reviewed journal and conference publications including a book chapter. Also, he is a reviewer of several international refereed Journals and conferences