Dr Mesfin Getu Woldetensay
PhD in Chemical Engineering
Mesfin Woldetensay
- Job title
- Associate Professor
- m.g.woldetensay@hw.ac.uk
- Role
- Associate Professor
- Section
- School of Engineering & Physical Sciences
- m.g.woldetensay@hw.ac.uk

Dr. Mesfin is currently working as Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering. All his qualifications (BSc, MSc and PhD) are in Chemical Engineering. He is the Associate Director of Learning and Teaching (ADLT) for EPS. Dr. Mesfin teaches chemical engineering courses for both undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) students. His area of specialisation is Process System Engineering (PSE). Prior joining Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus, Dr. Mesfin had worked as Postdoc Fellow at Yeungnam University (South Korea) and later as Senior Lecturer at Curtin University Malaysia. He has more than 12 years teaching experience in chemical and process engineering. Dr. Mesfin has achieved the status of Senior Fellow (SFHEA) and is the recipient of IChemE (Institution of Chemical Engineers) Malaysa award for Research Innovation and Excellence.
Academic Leadership and Affiliations:
- Member of Senior Management Group-EPS Dubai.
- Member of UDC (University Disciplinary Committee).
- Member of SDC (School Disciplinary Committee).
- Member of SSC (School Study Committee).
- Member of EPS Teaching & Learning Update.
- Member of LTEF (Learning and Teaching Enhancement forum).
- Associate Member of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (AMIChemE)
- PhD in Chemical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) from 2007 to 2011.
- MSc in Chemical Engineering from Addis Ababa University from 2005 to 2007.
- BSc in Chemical Engineering from Bahir Dar University from 1999 to 2004.
Dr. Mesfin was awarded a research grant of RM 94,000 from Curtin Sarawak Research Institute and Curtin Sarawak Research Fund. His research area mainly focuses on studying the impact of uncertainties on process operation and design. Uncertainties are an inherent characteristic of any chemical process plant. They may arise both from external and internal factors and have profound effects for downstream/upstream plants. Decision making for optimal operating conditions for an in-operating plant becomes complex and exacerbated with a change of product specification and utility requirements. Thus, it is important to know how prior-decision can be made for the in-operating plant by taking into consideration and realising those uncertainties effects. He’s currently involved with the Heriot-Watt Green Technology Research Group focusing on the Production of Green Hydrogen
Mesfin, G & Shuhaimi, M. (2010). A chance constrained approach for a gas processing plant with uncertain feed conditions. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 34(8), 1256-1267. Elsevier.
Mesfin, G., Shuhaimi, M., Moonyong, L. (2012). Analysing the effects of uncertainties on the economic performance of a chemical process plant using a probabilistic optimisation technique. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 30, 832-836, 2012. Elsevier.
Mesfin,G., Khan, M.S., Long, N.V., Moonyong, L. (2012). Studying the effect of feed composition variation on typical natural gas liquid (NGL) recovery processes. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31, 405-409. Elsevier.
Mesfin, G., Shuhaimi, M., Moonyong, L.(2013).Techno-economic analysis of potential natural gas liquid (NGL) recovery processes under variations of feed compositions. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91(7), 1272-1283. Elsevier.
Mesfin, G., Shuhaimi, M., Moonyong, L.(2013). Profit optimisation for chemical process plant based on a probabilistic approach by incorporating material flow uncertainties. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 59,186-196.Elsevier.
Mesfin, G., Shuhaimi, M., Yudi, S.,Khan, M.S., Bahadori, A.,Moonyong, L.(2015). Risk-based optimization for representative natural gas liquid (NGL) recovery processes by considering uncertainty from the plant inlet. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 27, 42-54.Elsevier.
Khan, M.S, Husnil, Y.A., Mesfin, G., Moonyong, L. (2012). Modelling and Simulation of Multi-stream Heat Exchanger Using Artificial Neural Network. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31,1196-1200.Elsevier.
Jung, Y., Long, N.V., Mesfin, G., Moonyong, L. (2012). A Study of Complex Distillation Arrangements for Improved Depropanizing, Debutanizing and Deisobutanizing Fractionation of NGL. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31,680-684. Elsevier.
Khan, M.S., Chaniago, Y.D., Mesfin, G., Moonyong, L. (2014). Energy saving opportunities in integrated NGL/LNG schemes exploiting: Thermal-coupling common-utilities and process knowledge. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, 82, 54-64. Elsevier.
Khan, M.S., Lee, S.,Mesfin,G., Moonyong, L.(2015). Knowledge-inspired investigation of selected parameters on energy consumption in nitrogen single and dual expander processes of natural gas liquefaction. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 23,324-337.Elsevier.
Park, J.H., Khan, M.S., Andika, R., Mesfin, G., Bahadori, A., Moonyong, L. (2015).Techno-economic evaluation of a novel NGL recovery scheme with nine patented schemes for offshore applications. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 27, 2-17. Elsevier.
Tiong CC., Jobrun, N., & Mesfin, G. (2016). Retrofitting Options for Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) Fractionation Trains Using the Concept of Single Column Development. Procedia Engineering, 148,923-931. Elsevier.
Wahid A., Pham, L.T.D, Mohd, S.K, Mesfin,G., Moonyong,L. (2018). Measuring the reliability of a natural gas refrigeration plant: Uncertainty propagation and quantification with polynomial chaos expansion based sensitivity analysis. Reliability Engineering & System Safety,172, 130-117. Elsevier.