Dr Lucy Bolton
PhD, MSc Occupational Psychology, BSc Psychology
Lucy Bolton
- Job title
- Associate Professor
- l.bolton@hw.ac.uk
- Role
- Associate Professor
- Section
- School of Social Sciences
- l.bolton@hw.ac.uk

Lucy is the Programme Director for the MSc Business Psychology programmes in Dubai, i.e. the MSc Business Psychology and MSc Business Psychology with Coaching. Her area of expertise is business and coaching psychology and her lectures are in the areas of coaching, social and organisational change, diversity and research methods at postgraduate level.
Academic leadership and affiliations in Discipline and University
- Global Director of Studies (GDoS) - Business Psychology Programmes
- Programme Director of MSc Business Psychology programmes, HWUD
- Global Course Coordinator C91CH Coaching Psychology Practice
- Global Course Coordinator C91MR Research Methods
- Member and Reviewer for Psychology Ethics Committee
- Member and Reviewer for SoSS School Studies Committee (SSC)
- Teaching Lead for HWU Coaching Lab
- Member of CABS (Centre for Applied Behavioural Sciences)
- Part of the global teaching team for:
- C91CP Coaching Psychology
- C91PP Masters Dissertation Projects
Lucy is a Chartered Psychologist (BPS) and Registered Occupational Psychologist (HCPC), as well as a Certified Business Coach (AC), and a trained occupational test user (TUA/TUP) with the BPS, being certified in Trait, TEIQue and NEO-PI-R.
With a BSc in Psychology from Newcastle University in UK and an MSc in Occupational Psychology degree from University of Nottingham, UK and near completion of her PhD at University of Leeds (2022), Lucy is very passionate about business psychology and coaching. She has been involved in committees and conference organisation in the past and delivered a number of public and private company workshops and careers talks.Prior to joining Heriot Watt University Dubai, Lucy worked for Leeds University Business School in various research and teaching roles.
Lucy's research interests are in the areas of generational differences in the workplace, in particular the younger generations' ('Generation Y') socialisation into organisations, their work values and career orientations. Lucy has also conducted research in the areas of change management, workspace design, socio-technical systems, job design, employability and knowledge management, working with a number of global organisations including, Rolls-Royce, Bentley Motors, Marks and Spencer, the National Health Service (NHS), REED-NCFE, and the UK Government Office of Science.
Lucy has presented her research over the years at a number of international conferences including, the British Psychological Society's Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP), European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), and the Academy of Management (AOM).
She continues to publish academic papers in the area of business and coaching psychology.
(ORCID: ://httpsorcid.org/0000-0001-7028-641X )
Bhargava, A., Bester, M., & Bolton, L. (2021). Employees’ perceptions of the implementation of robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation (RAIA) on job satisfaction, job security, and employability. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, 6(1), 106-113.
Vucic, M. & Bolton, L.E. (2019). Turning Ideas into Actions! How Research on Identity, Psychological Resources, and Leadership Support Can Inform Career Coaching. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice – Published online 15 March 2019. DOI: 10.1080/17521882.2019.1594327
Clegg, C. W., Robinson, M. A., Davis, M. C., Bolton, L. E., Pieniazek, R. L., & McKay, A. (2017). Applying organizational psychology as a design science: A method for predicting malfunctions in socio-technical systems (PreMiSTS). Design Science, 3.
Hughes, H. P., Clegg, C. W., Bolton, L. E., & Machon, L. C. (2017). Systems scenarios: A tool for facilitating the socio-technical design of work systems. Ergonomics, 60(10), 1319-1335. **Selected by the Editors to receive the 2018 Liberty Mutual Award**
Beaumont, L.C., Bolton, L.E., McKay, A., & Hughes, H.P.N. (2014). Rethinking service design: a socio-technical approach to the development of business models. In: Schaefer, D. ed. Product Development in the Socio-sphere: Game Changing Paradigms for 21st Century Breakthrough Product Development and Innovation. Springer International: Switzerland. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-310-07404-7_5
Clegg, C.W., Bolton, L.E., Offutt, R., & Davis, M. (November 2014). Work design for ‘compassionate care’. In: OPIPP Public Policy Project: How to change the culture of the NHS. British Psychological Society Publication. http://shop.bps.org.uk/publications/briefing-papers-and-reports/implementing-culture-change-within-the-nhs-contributions-from-occupational-psychology.html
Ridgway, K., Clegg, C. W., Williams, D. J., Hourd, P., Robinson, M., Bolton, L., Cichomska, K., & Baldwin, J. (2013). The factory of the future. Report for the Government Office for Science. http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/foresight/docs/manufacturing/ep29-factory-of-the-future.pdf