Dr Esinath Ndiweni
PhD in Accounting, MSc in Accounting and Finance
Esinath Ndiweni
- Job title
- Associate Professor - Edinburgh Business School
- Phone
- 00971 4 4358736
- e.ndiweni@hw.ac.uk
- Role
- Associate Professor - Edinburgh Business School
- Section
- School of Social Sciences
- e.ndiweni@hw.ac.uk
- Phone
- 00971 4 4358736

Academic Subject Head of Accounting in Dubai.
Former Deputy Director of Learning and Teaching.
Former Programme Director of MSc in International Accounting and Finance.
Lecturer in Research Methods, Managerial Accounting and Decision Making, International Managerial Accounting, International Accounting Theory, Comparative Financial Reporting.
Dr Esinath Ndiweni holds a PhD in Accounting and Finance from the University of Essex and a Master's in the same subject from Stirling University, UK. Dr Ndiweni has over 30 years lecturing experience in further and higher education in Zimbabwe, the UK and Dubai.
Carrying out interdisciplinary research in areas of:
Strategic management accounting
Corporate governance
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
Referred Articles
Ndiweni E., Haque F & Hassan MK “Corporate social responsibility
practices of banks in Bangladesh: A structuration perspective”,
Investment Management and Financial Innovation (forthcoming) 2018.
Bango SP, Ndiweni E., Galloway L & Verhoeven, H.
“Survivalism, collectivism and proud heritage: A study of informal arts
and crafts entrepreneurship in rural Zimbabwe”, South African Journal
of Business Management, in press 2018
Gokah TK, Gupta N & Ndiweni E. “E-Learning in Higher
Education- Opportunities and Challenges for Dubai”, International
Journal of E-Learning, 14 (4):pp.443-470, 2015
Ndiweni E. & Verhoeven H.” Transforming or re-branding: Whither
management accounting?” International Journal of Critical Accounting,
Vol.6 (1) pp. 79-99, 2014
Ndiweni E. & Verhoeven H. “The rise of informal entrepreneurs in
Zimbabwe: Evidence of economic growth or failed government
policies”, African Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Vol. 2(3)
Ndiweni E. “The impotence of auditing practices in a corrupt
environment: Some evidence from Zimbabwe”, International Journal of
Critical Accounting, Vol.3 (2/3), pp.204-219, 2011
Ndiweni E. “A trail of unintended consequences: Management
Accounting Information in a volatile environment”, Research in
Accounting in Emerging Economies, Vol.10, pp.1-27
Gokah TK, Dzokoto K & Ndiweni E. “Brown envelope journalism,
policing the policemen, conflict of interest and media corporate
governance in Ghana, International Journal of Disclosure &
Governance, Vol.6 (2)pp.167-179, 2009
Ndiweni E. “A structuration analysis of the production and
reproduction of management accounting and quality practices in a
volatile socio-political environment, published by VDM Publishing
House, ISBN 978 383649681-0, 2009
Book chapters
Ndiweni E. “Towards a theoretical framework of corporate
governance: Perspectives from Southern Africa” Research in
Accounting in Emerging Economies, In M.Tsamenyi and S.Uddin (eds),
Corporate governance in less developed and Emerging Economies,
pp.335-357, 2008,
Ndiweni E. “A critical examination of how corruption inhibits good
corporate: Some insights from Zimbabwe”, Economic Themes 1,
pp.351-362 ATINER, 2010
Ndiweni E. “An evaluation of the financial management system of the
Organisation for Rural Associations for Progress (ORAP) Zimbabwe,
Report for German Organisation for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) June
1994,Contract value US$34,000, Junior Consultant
Conference papers published as proceedings
Ndiweni E. & Haque F. “The role of social accounts in shaping CSR
practices in Bangladesh: Evidence from Islamic Banks” 6th Global
Conference in Business and Social Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand, 4-5
December 2017
Senior Author
Ndiweni E., Verhoeven H & Muller M. “Is the balanced
scorecard real or just a mirage? Evidence from a UAE case study,
Second International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in
Business and Social Sciences, Middlesex University Dubai, The
Address Hotel, Dubai Mall, November 2013
Ndiweni E. “The challenges of adopting IFRS in India: A sociopolitical and economic perspective, Multi-disciplinary seminar on India
“A Fallen angel or poised to soar”. Mumbai, ML Dahanukar College of
Commerce, ISBN: 978 93 83105 97-7, 14th December, 2012.
Ndiweni E. & Choo L. “The road to critical strategic management
accounting” Global Business Year Book, Vol. 2007, Orlando, USA
Unpublished Conference Papers
Verhoeven H. & Ndiweni E. “Academic Expatriates: Learning how
to make scones but still eating Umm Ali? Expanding knowledge or
commodification of labour and education?” Presented at the
International Conference of Critical Accounting, New Labour Process
Conference, New York, 26-27th April 2012
Ndiweni E. “Gender & Development: the role of women in the
development of Zimbabwe, Locating the Role of the Diaspora in
Zimbabwe’s “Transitional Process”, Paper presented at the conference
organised by the Council of Zimbabwe Christian Leaders, 26 Royal
London House, London, 5 pages, 1st October 2009.
Ndiweni E. A critical examination of factors that hinder the
development of ‘good’ corporate governance: a case study of
Zimbabwe, 6th International Conference on Accounting- Athens July 7-
10, 2008
Ndiweni E. “Corporate socially responsibility: the role of multinational
corporations in South Africa the case of Daimler Chrysler”, Centre for
Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit (CPSU) London, July 16, 2008
Ndiweni E. “A critical examination of factors that hinder ‘good’ corporate
governance: a case study of a Zimbabwean corporation,” International
Accounting Conference, Athens, July 7-10 2008
Ndiweni E. “Unlocking the potential of strategic management
accounting: a review of evidence from the literature”, British Accounting
Association Annual Conference in Blackpool ,8 pages, April 3, 2008
Ndiweni E. “How Accountants Disabled the Potential of Strategic
Management Accounting” British Accounting Association, South West
Accounting Group, University of West England, Sept 7, 2007
Ndiweni E. “Problematising the teaching of ethics in accounting degree
programmes” European Accounting Studies Conference, University of
Glasgow, 27 pages, July 17-20, 2007.
Ndiweni E.” Incorporating ethics into the accountancy curriculum”,
British Accounting Association, Education Special Interest Group,
London Metropolitan University, 30 pages, April 2006
Papers under review
Baig M & Ndiweni E. “Intellectual capital in the Non-Profit
Organizations: Evidence from the UK Social Housing Associations –
submitted to Journal of Intellectual Capital (revise and resubmit).
Ndiweni E. “An examination of the manifestation of Ubuntu principles
in South Africa’s CSR governance framework: pre and post-apartheid”
submitted to Special Issue International Journal of Business and
Ethics, (revise and resubmit).
Ndiweni E. and Venkatachalam S. “Private Public Partnerships
in South Africa: a legal perspective” submitted to Special Issue of
International Journal of Project and Asset Management