Dr Cakil Agnew
Cakil Agnew
- Job title
- Associate Professor- Department of Psychology
- Phone
- +44 (0)131 449 5111
- c.agnew@hw.ac.uk
- Role
- Associate Professor- Department of Psychology
- Section
- School of Social Sciences
- c.agnew@hw.ac.uk
- Phone
- +44 (0)131 449 5111

Dr Cakil Agnew is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Heriot-Watt University, Dubai. She is the Director for the Online MSc Business Psychology. Her area of expertise is safety in high-risk industries.
Academic leadership and affiliations in Discipline and University
- Director of Online MSc Business Psychology Programme
- Global Course Coordinator C90PB Psychology for Business
- International Psychology Conference Dubai (IPCD) Committee Member
- Member of CABS (Centre for Applied Behavioural Sciences)
- Heriot-Watt University Senate Member
- Heriot-Watt University Committee for Academic Standards and Quality Member
- Part of the global teaching team for: C99RO Research Methods and Analysis 6, C97SP Academic Skills, C97IU Information & Communication Skills
- Psychology Year 1 Coordinator
- The Mitigating Circumstances Committee member, SoSS, Dubai (2017-2021)
Cakil is a Chartered Psychologist (BPS) and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). She received her PhD from the University of Aberdeen. Following her PhD, she worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Industrial Psychology Research Centre at the University of Aberdeen.
Her research focuses on the impact of safety culture and leadership on performance at work, in high-risk industries. Dr Agnew has published and presented her work in international journals and conferences.
Agnew, C. (2020). The Role of safety culture across Industries, Centre of Excellence in Smart Construction Research Bulletin.
Agnew, C. & Flin, R. (2014). Senior charge nurses’ leadership behaviours in relation to hospital ward safety: A mixed method study. International Journal of Nursing Studies..
Agnew, C., Flin, R., & Reid, J. (2012) Nurse leadership and patient safety. Editorial. British Medical Journal, 345.
Agnew, C., Flin, R., & Mearns, K. (2013). Patient safety climate and worker safety behaviours in acute hospitals in Scotland. Journal of Safety Research, 45, 95-101.
Saraç, Ç, Flin, R, Mearns, K & Jackson, J. (2011). Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: Psychometric analysis on a Scottish sample. Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 20, 842-848.
Jackson, J., Saraç, Ç, & Flin, R. (2010). Measuring safety climate: Utility of attitudinal surveys. Current Opinion in Critical Care,16, 632-638.
Salama, M., Agnew, C. & Fantham, G. (2021). Virtual team performance and Wellbeing for Event Project Management: Principles, technology, and innovation. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers, UK.
Agnew, C. & Fruhen L. (2019). On the role of safety culture and safety leadership on safety related outcomes in Increasing occupational health and safety in workplaces: Research and practice, Edward Elgar, UK.
Agnew, C. & Flin, R. (2018). Safety Management: Safety Culture, Safety Leadership and Non- Technical Skills in Human Factors and Ergonomics for the Gulf Cooperation Council: Processes, Technologies and Practices.
Agnew, C. & Flin, R. (2014). Safety Culture in Practice: Assessment, Evaluation, and Feedback in Patient Safety Culture: Theory, Methods and Application, edited by P. Waterson. Ashgate.
Saraç, Ç, Flin, R., Mearns, K. & Jeanette, J. (2010). Measuring Hospital Safety Culture: Testing the Hsopsc Scale. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 850 – 854, September 2010.
Kadry, R. & Agnew, C. (2022, October). Dear Machine, Can I trust you? The effectiveness of Artificial Intelligent interviews in predicting individual differences during the hiring process. International Psychology Conference, Dubai.
Lojzer, T., Agnew, C. & Fantham, G. (2022, July) Perceptions and attitudes pertaining to the uptake of Paternity leave in the UAE. 26th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Rizzo S. & Agnew, C. (2022, May). Bilingualism and Aggression: is it true that bilinguals are more aggressive?" Heriot-Watt Research Day, Dubai.
Agnew, C. Safety. (2016, May). Safety in medical practice: Human and system factors 8th International Conference on Occupational Health and Safety. Istanbul, Turkey. Invited speaker.
Agnew, C. (2013, November). Safety Culture in Practice. International Psychology Conference, Dubai, UAE.
Agnew, C. (2012, March). What is safety culture? How can we assess safety culture? Safety culture in Healthcare Workshop, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.
Sarac, C. (2011, June). Patient safety climate and worker safety behaviours in acute hospitals in Scotland. Making healthcare safer: learning from social and organisational research, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK.
Sarac, C. (2010, September). Measuring hospital safety culture: Testing HSOPSC scale. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, US.
Sarac, C. (2009, December). Patient safety climate in Scottish acute hospitals. Scottish Patient Safety Research Network Meeting, Dundee, UK.
Sarac, C. (2009, July). Measuring safety culture in Scottish acute hospitals. 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Norway.
Sarac, C. (2009, July). Patient safety climate in Scottish acute hospitals. Nordic Seminar on Safety in Healthcare, Gothenburg, Sweden.