Frequently asked questions

Here are the answers to some frequently asked alumni questions. We hope you find these useful, but if you can't find your answer below, please email us at

Find out more about the Watt Club

Can I connect with the Watt Club on social media?

Absolutely! You can stay connected with the Watt Club and your fellow alumni via Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram and LinkedIn.

What does the Alumni Team do?

Our Alumni team supports the Watt Club and is here to serve and grow our global alumni community.

We deliver tailored events, activities, communications and resources that support our alumni with their careers and endeavours after graduating. We also create opportunities for our alumni to connect with the University, volunteer and give back to key areas that support the successful delivery of Strategy 2025.

For more details, feel free to contact the alumni team at

What does the Development Team do?

The Development Team maintain relationships with all Heriot-Watt University graduates and friends, as well as securing donations to help advance the University.

We work closely with our alumni and key supporters to fulfil their philanthropic ambitions and enable key work at the University, such as scholarships, research, and capital projects.

Every year, graduates from across the globe choose to support causes on campus that open doors and transform lives. They are providing support for the next generation of Heriot-Watt graduates, inspiring new discovery and setting us on our way to answer some of society's most urgent questions.

For more details please visit Giving Back or contact

Where can I update my contact details?

You can opt-in and update your alumni contact details to receive alumni updates, event invites, networking opportunities and more. You may also wish to join our LinkedIn group.

Who do I contact about requesting a transcript, certification letter, submission of theses, ID card, changing personal details, making payments for tuition and accommodation, council tax?

If you are a current student or a student who has just graduated, the Development and Alumni Team cannot assist with this particular request. Please  ‘Log an enquiry' using the Ask HWU and Log an Enquiry tile on your student portal. If you still have issues please contact

If you can no longer access your student portal please contact and our student services team will be able to assist with your enquiry.

Who do I contact for degree certificates, SAAS and SLC enrolment status confirmation, graduations, gowns, graduation tickets?

If you are a current student, the Development and Alumni Team cannot assist with this particular request. Please  ‘Log an enquiry' via the Ask HWU and Log an Enquiry tile on your student portal. If you still have issues please contact

How do I find out more about Graduations?

For all graduation enquiries, please visit Graduation or contact the Student Records and Awards team.  Please ‘Log an enquiry' using the 'Ask HWU and Log an Enquiry' tile on your student portal. If you still have issues please contact

Who do I contact about MBAs or the Edinburgh Business School?

Please contact / who will be able to assist you with your enquiry.

Can I still get careers advice if I have graduated?

Yes. Careers Service are delighted to offer lifetime careers support to all graduates from Heriot-Watt's campuses in the UK, Dubai and Malaysia.

Online graduates can request access to our career management platform, GRADfutures.

How can I give back to the University?

For more information on giving back to the University, please visit our Giving back page.

How can I volunteer my time to the University?

We would be delighted to help you volunteer your time at Heriot-Watt. Please find out more information at Volunteer today or by emailing us at

Does the Watt Club produce an annual magazine?

Yes, The Watt is the annual magazine for alumni and friends of Heriot-Watt University and you can access the latest edition.

I have a query about reunions

Please contact with any queries regarding reunions. You can also find more information on our Reunions page.

Can you help me reconnect with a Heriot-Watt Alumni that I have lost touch with?

The University must comply with the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), therefore, we cannot share information from other alumni – but we can approach alumni on your behalf and pass on the enquirers details.

All Heriot-Watt alumni can connect with each other on our LinkedIn group, where we currently have over 19,000 followers.

I’m having issues logging into GradFutures

Refer to the GradFutures guidance for new users, existing users and users with expired accounts.

I am a potential employer and would like to confirm a graduate studied at Heriot-Watt.

We are pleased to announce the implementation of the Higher Education Degree Datacheck (HEDD) online verification service for employers and agencies to verify Heriot-Watt University awards.