Student Advisors

The University is piloting a new student support system designed to improve your student experience.

Cohorts included in the Student Advising Pilot:

  • EGIS: UG Years 1, 4 and 5 (including incoming exchange), Graduate Apprentices, GoGlobal students. PGT Biology/Environment, Civil Engineering, Construction Management, and Geo-Energy Programmes.
  • EPS: UG Years 1-5 Electrical Engineering, PGT all disciplines
  • Global College: All students (except Pre-sessional English)
  • MACS: UG Computer Science Year 1 & Year 2 + direct entrants, PGT Computer Science
  • SoSS: EBS UG and PGT, Psychology UG and PGT, Combined Studies
  • SoTD: UG students 

From September 2024, if you belong to one of these cohorts, you will be allocated both a Student Advisor (pastoral and wellbeing advice) and an Academic Advisor (academic advice), who will work in partnership to support you during your studies.

What does a Student Advisor do?

Your Student Advisor is your personalised point of contact for advice, guidance and pastoral support throughout your time at Heriot-Watt.

They will guide you through any pastoral and wellbeing issues that impact your studies, and support you with any changes to your personal circumstances. They will help you navigate the University’s ecosystem of support, either supporting you themselves or putting you in touch with someone who can.

Your Student Advisor can help with:

  • notifying the University if you have a problem that could impact your studies, including support to apply for Mitigating Circumstances (MC)
  • understanding your options for changing course, taking a break from study (TSS), or leaving the University
  • general guidance on programme regulations, progression and award requirements
  • signposting to specialist or emergency academic, welfare and wellbeing support
  • non-academic references

How to contact your Student Advisor

Your Student Advisor will make contact with you at the start of the academic year and reach out to you again at key points during your studies.

If you are struggling with an issue that is affecting your studies, get in touch with your Student Advisor as soon as possible. They will help you take steps to stay on track.

School Email Drop-in (no need to book)

STEM drop in for EGIS, EPS, and MACS in the Student Service Centre from 10-12 daily



Global College  
SoSS UG MB1.25a 10-12 daily

What does an Academic Advisor do?

Your Academic Advisor is your point of contact for advice on academic issues related to your programme of study at Heriot-Watt. Your Academic Advisor can guide you on:

  • subject content, course choice and programme choice within a discipline
  • assessment and reassessment
  • further graduate studies and career development
  • academic integrity and skills development
  • signposting to specialist or emergency welfare and wellbeing support
  • academic references

How to contact your Academic Advisor

You can find out who your Academic Advisor is via the ‘My Student Records and Self-Service’ tile on MyHWU.