Dubai Campus

Tuition fees

Information about tuition fees and any additional associated charges, such as for reassessments or bench fees, can all be found on the Dubai Campus tuition fees webpage.

Managing your money

Managing your money while you're studying at university is not always easy. If you are looking for advice about managing your money, or about a particular financial issue please contact the Finance Team.

Top tips for saving money

  • Complete a Budget Planner - these can help you map your expenditure and review how best to manage your money. The NUS website has some good advice and a budget planner.
  • Don't shop when you are hungry
  • Try supermarket own brand goods
  • Stick to a shopping list and take advantage of buy 1 get 1 free
  • Have breakfast before leaving in the morning and make sandwiches for lunch
  • Consider a pay as you go mobile rather than an expensive contract
  • Check bank statements to see actual spending and keep receipts
  • Keep credit cards for emergencies only and pay the bill in full each month
  • Keep a spending diary – monitor spending for at least a week and write everything down

Key information