'Job Specification' of a Senator

Term of Office  
Ex Officio Member:

For the duration of their office by virtue of which they are a member of Senate

Elected Staff Member:

A term is three years, and a member may serve two consecutive terms (after which they must wait for three years before being eligible to stand again for election) [1]

Student Member:

One year (up to a maximum of two years) [2]

Time Commitment:
  A broad estimation is approximately one full-time-equivalent day every two months. However, service on Committees and other bodies, by virtue of membership of Senate, entails additional time commitment.
Method of Appointment  
Ex Officio member:

normal procedures for recruitment / appointment to the position

Elected Staff Member

Election from among the eligible Staff in the respective School

Student Member:

Appointment in accordance with the Statute

[1] Senators have the opportunity to further specialise in areas within the remit of Senate, such as Research and Innovation, Learning and Teaching or Quality and Standards, by serving on these Committees.  Senators also have the opportunity to stand for election by Senate to serve as a member of Court.

[2] As specified in the revised Statute 5 of the University.