Online payments
Heriot-Watt University's online payment service is an easy and flexible way to pay tuition fees, accommodation fees and other outstanding invoices.
You can pay all types of fees and invoices immediately in full, or you can choose to pay tuition and accommodation fees in instalments.
Using the online payment system as:
An applicant
- Applicants (students who have not yet enrolled) can use the online payment system to pay an advanced instalment for tuition fees or an accommodation reservation fee. Please note: you can only pay an accommodation reservation fee if you have an unconditional firm offer.
You need the following information to log in:
- HWU person ID: It can be found on your confirmation letter A190 (UCAS applicants) or offer letter (all other applicants). The number is eight or nine characters long, and begins with the digit 0 or the letter D or H.
- Year of entry: The academic year is shown on either your acceptance letter A190 (UCAS applicants) or offer letter (all other applicants).
- Programme code: A mixure of eight characters and numbers (for example, A111-BRD). It is shown on your acceptance letter A190 (UCAS applicants) or offer letter (all other applicants). UCAS applicants may use the four-character UCAS course code (for example, NM23) instead.
A new or continuing student
You need to following information to log in:
- HWU person ID: It can be found on your confirmation letter A190 (UCAS applicants) or offer letter (all other applicants). The number is eight or nine characters long, and begins with the digit 0 or the letter D or H.
- Username: This is the log-in name assigned to you by the University when you registered; you use it to access your University email account.
- Password: This is the password you use to access your University email account.
A parent or guardian
The parent or third party need to have the following information to log in and see the student’s outstanding invoices:
- HWU person ID: It can be found on your confirmation letter A190 (UCAS applicants) or offer letter (all other applicants). The number is eight or nine characters long, and begins with the digit 0 or the letter D or H.
- Email address: This is the email address that the third party will have had their password sent to.
- Password: This is the password the student creates for the third party access and will be received in the email.
The invoice types are split between tuition, accommodation and other.
Once the student has agreed access, the parent or third party will receive an email that contains a password required to access the payment portal.
Parents or third party payers must be registered by the student first and will only be able to see the invoice types the student agrees.
- If a parent requires a password change or reset, the student must reset the password through the online payment system.
Online payment queries
Which payment cards are accepted?
We accept the following cards:
- Visa
- Visa debit
- MasterCard
- American Express
We don't charge for paying online by credit card.
How will I know if my payment has been successful?
If your payment is successful you will see a screen showing ‘Transaction Confirmation’, which you will be able to print. You will also receive an email confirming your payment transaction. Please keep the screen print or email confirmation – do not throw it out or delete it.
What to do if your transaction fails
If you have tried to pay online, but have received a 'Transaction Failed' message, this may be because:
- You have entered incorrect card details or your card issuer has sent you a new card since your last payment
- You have entered a postcode that does not match the postcode held by the card issuer
- You have exceeded your credit limit (some card issuers may impose a daily limit)
If your card has been declined you may try again, but be aware that most card issuers allow only three attempts before the card is blocked for the rest of the day.
If your card is blocked you should contact your card issuer. The University cannot tell you why your card has been blocked or why your transaction has failed.
Key information
Student Service Centre
- Phone
- +44 (0) 131 451 8899