Laptop Loan Scheme

Long-Term Laptop & Mi-Fi Unit Loan Scheme

In addition to the IT services available on campus, Heriot-Watt University can assist students who find themselves in financial difficulties. Students can request a laptop and/or mi-fi unit on a long-term loan from the University. Mi-Fi units are wireless routers that act as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot, allowing you to connect your devices to the Internet. The loans are focused on those who do not have a device, or their current device does not support teaching requirements. Funding for the laptops is provided by the Scottish Funding Council.

The laptops and mi-fi units are available to those students who are:

  • Care experienced,
  • Estranged,
  • Have caring responsibilities,
  • Are in receipt of a UK body bursary or grant,
  • Asylum seekers,
  • Have dependants.

How it works

  1. Complete the Application Form.
  2. The Student Services team will be in touch to:
    • Confirm whether or not your application has been accepted.
    • Inform you which laptop and/or accessories you have been assigned to collect.
  3. Collect your laptop and/or mi-fi unit from the main reception in the library from 08:30 – 20:00.

Short-Term Laptop Loan Scheme

Students at our Edinburgh and Borders campuses can borrow a laptop from the main reception at our libraries for up to 14 days. Each laptop comes with a power cable and carry case and can be collected from the Customer Service Desk between 8:30am and 8:00pm on a first-come, first-served basis.

By borrowing a laptop, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • You must return the laptop and accessories to the Customer Service Desk in the library between 8:30am and 8:00pm before the end of the loan period.
  • Laptops cannot be automatically renewed and must be returned to the service desk within the 14-day loan period.
  • Failure to return the laptop and accessories on time will result in your library account being locked until the items are returned.
  • You are responsible for the safety and security of the laptop and accessories while they are on loan to you and must not loan them to anyone else.
  • You must report any damages or faults with the device immediately to the library service desk.