8.4 Financial resources

This category covers information on the institution's strategy and management of financial resources. The finance department provides accounting, procurement and contracting services, helping to make best use of resources and fulfilling statutory responsibilities.

The information includes:

  • Our Financial Statements and Accounts
  • Budgetary processes
  • Budgets overview
  • Financial regulations
  • Insurance
  • Senior staff remuneration
  • Investments

Financial Statements

Our published Annual Accounts

These are normally published in January of each year. Our published Annual Accounts (most recent) can be viewed below:

Budgetary processes

Information in this Category currently includes our overarching policies and procedures for making budgetary allocations to major units included in our Financial Regulations are available.

Financial regulations

Our Financial Regulations are available.

Our Treasury Management Policy covers the identification, mitigation, management and control of financial risk.

We also have Ethical business policies including:

Read our Travel and Subsistence Policy.


Summary information on our major insurance policies can be requested via foi@hw.ac.uk .

Senior staff remuneration

Principal's remuneration and summary statistical information on the remuneration of other senior staff including:

Remuneration of the Principal and summary data on the remuneration of other senior staff included in our published Annual Accounts.


Summary information on the University's endowments and investments including:

Broad information on institutional endowments and investments included in our published Annual Accounts.

See also "Subsidiary Companies" in Section 8.3.

Key information