8.11 Health and safety
Policies and procedures
Policies, procedures and guidelines relating to health and safety. Information in this category currently includes:
Health and safety regulations and policies
Health and safety procedures can be requested by writing to us via foi@hw.ac.uk or healthandsafety@hw.ac.uk
Information on safe cycle routes
You can find the information on the cyclestreets.net website.
Health and safety guidelines for Catering and Residences, and Edinburgh Conference Centre
Health and safety guidelines established and adopted for use in Catering and Residences can be requested by writing to us via foi@hw.ac.uk
Annual reports and statistics
Reports to our governing body on health and safety issues. Summary statistics on accidents and incidents within the institution can be requested via foi@hw.ac.uk
The Occupational Health and Safety Committee provides an annual report to Court which can be requested via foi@hw.ac.uk
Mechanisms for monitoring and reporting on health and safety issues
Information in this Category currently includes:
Health and safety training and staff induction
Here you can read information on health and safety training and staff induction in the University.
Information on training in health and safety matters is also included in the University's programme of staff development.Emergency procedures including fire action, medical aid and first aid
Information in respect of emergency procedures (which include fire action, medical and first aid).
Key information
Sue Collier
- Director
- s.collier@hw.ac.uk
Les Allan
- Head of SafeGuarding Services
- l.allan@hw.ac.uk