Advancing equality, diversity and inclusion
Over 2021-25 our equality diversity and inclusion work is progressing under the banner 'Advancing equality, diversity and inclusion' (Advancing EDI).
Advancing EDI refers specifically to our equality outcomes (EOs) 2021-25, encapsulating our aim to achieve real impact and sustainable culture change.
We are making sure we are better at joining up EDI areas. Our EOs are connected to EDI streams such as Athena Swan, our British Sign Language local plan, addressing gender-based violence and our work to resolve pay gaps.
We know that when EDI is part of the everyday, we are better able to make bold and brave interventions. At Heriot-Watt we take a ‘one university’ approach, offering the same academic standards and operating policies no matter the location. We are committed to progressing EDI outcomes across our jurisdictions, embracing embedding EDI. We are looking forward to keeping you updated on our progress.
Equality outcomes (EOs)
Our EOs 2021-25 are:
- EO 1: Reduce the median gender pay gap
- EO 2: Increase the number of women in STEM
- EO 3: Reduce UG gender imbalance in target subject areas
- EO 4: Support ending gender-based violence and achieve White Ribbon Status
- EO 5: Support the progression of disabled academics
- EO 6: Implement SFC Racism on Campus Project recommendations
- EO 7: Identify and reduce any ethnicity award gap
- EO 8: Establish virtual employee networks
- EO 9: Increase recruitment of Deaf UG students
- EO 10: Diversify the composition of the University Court and other influential committees
- EO 11: Establish an annual Student/University EDI Summit
- EO 12: Measure culture change
More information can be found in our publication Advancing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Heriot-Watt University Equality Outcomes 2021-2025
In April 2023 we introduced a new annual reporting mechanism under our Global Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) work. This GEDI Annual Report brings into one place information across equality, diversity and inclusion and fulfils reporting requirements for the Scottish Code of Good Higher Education Governance and the Equality Act.
The GEDI Annual Report 2023 provides a mid-point update on our progress toward our equality outcomes and mainstreaming EDI.
British Sign Language description of Advancing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. This video has no sound.